Showing 1 - 10 out of 1254 results
Youth Internet Monitor 2025: Which social networks do young people in Austria use?
The Austrian Safer Internet Center inquires each year: Which social networks do young people in Austria use? Which platforms are trending, which get less important? Are there differences between girls and boys? The survey was conducted in October 2024. 405 young people between 11 and 17 years old were asked. The results were published with the Youth Internet Monitor ( in January 2025 and are representative of the younger generation of Austria.
"Fake it to make it" - web-based game about fake news and disinformation
The Portuguese Safer Internet Centre has adapted the virtual game “Fake it to make it” into Portuguese. The game is targeted at teenagers and focuses on the topic of fake news and disinformation.
This is a simulation game with a social impact, in which players take on the role of someone who profits from the creation and distribution of fake news. Through this experience, players learn how disinformation is created, spread and emotionally targeted, preparing them to be more sceptical of information they may encounter in the future.
Act. Speak. Change. Your voice against bullying – awareness campaign
As part of a joint initiative between the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Youth and Modernisation, the national awareness campaign "Act. Speak. Change. Use Your Voice to Combat Bullying" was launched. This initiative is dedicated to the prevention and fight against Bullying and Cyberbullying in schools.
Alternatives | Taking action against hate speech through counter-narratives
Portuguese version with IPDJ seal, from the Council of Europe edition, Alternatives manual is a tool against hate. This manual aims to help young people and educators to confront, dismantle and replace hateful narratives.
Basic online safety tips
On this page, you can download a PDF with basic tips in 10 languages: English, French, Arabic, Polish, Ukrainian, Moroccan, German, Turkish, Spanish, and Frisian, created by
Five basic tips for your online safety:
- Ensure secure passwords for all your devices and accounts.
- Always perform software updates on your smart devices immediately.
- Use an antivirus scanner.
- Regularly make backups.
- Check links first, before you click them.
Cybercrime website redesign
APAV (Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima) has redesigned its website on cybercrime, with various definitions of crimes that occur in the digital space, various prevention and security strategies and an observatory where we can post alerts on new trends.
The website is available in the following languages: Portuguese, English, French, Albanian and Italian.
Digital Services Act (DSA) campaign
Are you familiar with the Digital Services Act (DSA)?
The DSA was created by the European Union (EU) to ensure that:
- digital technologies and online platforms respect everyone's rights;
- we can trust the digital services we use;
- we are safe and protected, regardless of the type of digital service we use, with special attention to minors;
The PT SIC team developed a social media campaign to promote the DSA. Enclosed is the Facebook campaign.
Hate speech | What can we do?
Hate speech encompasses all forms of expression that propagate, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, homophobia, antisemitism and other forms of hatred based on intolerance. This video was produced by IPDJ as part of its activities, as a pedagogical resource to raise awareness among young people, youth associations, educators and youth workers.
Healthy screen use: balancing your screen activities. Research for Media Literacy Week 2024
Media Literacy Week 2024 focuses on healthy screen use. Completely avoiding digital screens is challenging and unnecessary. Making conscious choices about screen use can already make a big difference.
The Digital Balance Model
Healthy use of technology during school holidays – awareness campaign
The Directorate-General for Education, through the SeguraNet awareness centre, with the support of Geração Cordão and the Institute for Child Support, has launched the campaign "Holidays: a tech-healthy place!". This initiative aims to raise awareness among children and young people about the healthy use of technology during school holidays.