Showing 11 - 20 out of 183 results
Agency for International Programs for Youth Republic of Latvia (JSPA)
The Agency for International Programs for Youth Republic of Latvia supports i. the implementation of youth policies at the local level, ii. the qualification of youth workers, iii. youth participation and involvement, and iv. the professional development of educators.
(Source: Agency Flyer).
Entities responsible for implementation: Agency for International Programs for Youth Republic of Latvia / Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra .
Article 197.7 of the Spanish Penal Code
Article 197.7 of the Spanish Penal Code criminalises the disclosure of intimate images without the consent of the individuals involved. This provision aims to protect individuals, including children and young people, from the unauthorised sharing of private and sensitive content. Offenders may face criminal charges for violating this provision, including fines and imprisonment. The law was updated in 2015.
(Source: BIK Policy Monitor Report 2024).
Entities responsible for implementation: Ministerio de Justicia.
Artificial Intelligence Act
The AI Act (Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence) provides AI developers and deployers with clear requirements and obligations regarding specific uses of AI. At the same time, the regulation seeks to reduce administrative and financial burdens for business, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Audiovisual Media Services Directive
The rules to protect children from seeing illegal or harmful audiovisual content and inappropriate advertising on television also apply to video-sharing platforms, like YouTube. These cover user- generated videos and, for example, advertisements promoting alcohol, tobacco, food and drinks high in fat, salt or sugar. There are also rules on product placement, television advertising and teleshopping in and around children’s programmes. The obligations for video-sharing platforms (Article 28b of AVMSD) aim to protect all users even more from certain illegal content (e.g.
Austrian Criminal Code (StGB)
Section § 107c of the Austrian Criminal Code (Federal Law of 23 January 1974 on acts punishable by law, Criminal Code - StGB) addresses cyberbullying and continuous harassment by telecommunication or computer devices. It includes harmful content related to damages to a person’s honour and facts and images shared without consent. The provision was included in the StGB in 2015 and was amended in 2021 by the Hate on the Net Combating Act (HiNBG). In addition, Section 207a addresses CSAM and sexual depiction of minors (Source: Strafgesetzbuch, BIK Policy Monitor 2024).
Austrian Cybersecurity Strategy 2021 (ÖSCS 2021)
The Austrian Cybersecurity Strategy 2021 is a strategic framework to ensure cybersecurity in the digital environment and guarantee digital resilience. It has activities targeting digital skills, education and digitalization.
(Source: BIK Policy Monitor 2024).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Chancellery Republic of Austria / Bundeskanzleramt Österreich.
Basic Education Act
The Act lays down provisions on comprehensive school education and compulsory education, pre-primary education, voluntary additional comprehensive school education, preparatory education for comprehensive school education, and morning and afternoon activities.
(Source: Website - Key legislation on general education).
Entities responsible for implementation: Ministry of Education and Culture.
Centre for Social Media, Tech and Democracy
The Center for Social Media, Tech and Democracy has been established as part of the Media Agreement 2023-2026. The Center contributes knowledge about users' mental well-being, about the importance and consequences of tech giants for Danish media, and about the impact the spread of misinformation and disinformation on digital platforms has on the democratic conversation.
Certificate Gütesiegel Lern-Apps
Certificate Gütesiegel Lern-Apps is a quality certificate issued by the Austrian government for digital learning applications. The purpose is to guide parents, educators, professionals, and children to select innovative application services.
(Source: Website).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung.
Child Protection Act
This Act provides for the obligations and functions of state and local government agencies and the officials thereof, legal persons in public and private law and natural persons upon ensuring the rights and well-being of children, the organisation of child protection, the prohibitions and restrictions established for persons working with children, the principles of treatment of children, the principles of treatment of children in need of assistance, children in danger and children separated from family, the state supervision over compliance with this Act and the liability for violation of t