Showing 41 - 50 out of 183 results
Digital Child Protection Strategy of Hungary (DGYS)
The Digital Child Protection Strategy of Hungary outlines a comprehensive approach to safeguarding children in the digital space. This strategy, a component of Hungary’s broader Digital Success Programme, was developed in response to emerging risks and the increasing role of the internet in children’s lives. As children are now active participants in the digital world, the strategy emphasises the need for them to be knowledgeable and aware of their online interactions.
Digital Competence Framework for Citizens
The DigComp project, implemented by the Joint Research Centre on behalf of the European Commission, started in 2010. Since then, awareness among Member States of DigComp as the EU-wide framework for framing digital skills policy, developing, and measuring digital competence, has consistently increased.
Digital Croatia Strategy for the Period until 2032
The Strategy defines the vision of digitalising society, public administration, and the economy of the Republic of Croatia, the related strategic objectives and their key performance indicators, with suggested priority public policy areas necessary for their realisation.
Digital Czech Republic
In its Resolution No 629 of 3 October 2018, the Czech Government approved the cross-sectional strategic document Digital Czech Republic, which deals with all the effects of digitization on the economy and society. It is a set of concepts that create the conditions for the long-term prosperity of the Czech Republic. Its content can be defined as follows: “Strategy of Coordinated and Comprehensive Digitization of the Czech Republic 2018+”. “Digital Czech Republic” covers three pillars (partial strategies) that form one logical unit.
Digital Education Action Plan (ANDI)
The Programme Council for Digital Education was assigned a task in 2019 to prepare a new national digital education action plan. The creation of the document involved the active participation of various stakeholders (pupils, students, teachers, principals, professors, researchers, union representatives, policy makers) at workshops, discussions and consultations by the working group of the Programme Council.
Digital Education Strategy (DOS)
DOS promotes digital education and media literacy to enhance digitalisation in the national society. Under the strategy, no student should leave the educational system without digital competencies. According to the Strategy: "the school of the future is digital. By the end of 2018, at the beginning of the 2019 school year, all schools will have broadband Internet access and WiFi coverage , a significant number of teachers will receive teacher laptops, and the equipment of the classrooms will also improve".
Digital Education Strategy (DOS)
DOS promotes digital education and media literacy to enhance digitalisation in the national society. Under the strategy, no student should leave the educational system without digital competencies. According to the Strategy: "the school of the future is digital. By the end of 2018, at the beginning of the 2019 school year, all schools will have broadband Internet access and WiFi coverage , a significant number of teachers will receive teacher laptops, and the equipment of the classrooms will also improve".
Digital Everywhere
Digital Überall (Digital Everywhere) is a project that takes place within the scope of the Digital Skills Initiative for Austria (DKO). The initiative includes free workshops nationwide to improve people's basic digital skills, especially those who do not attend learning venues. During the second semester, the initiative will launch the Digital Überall PLUS (Digital Everywhere PLUS), offering tailor-made workshops for further knowledge.
(Source: National Contact).
Digital Schools
Digital Schools is a part of the Eight-Point-Plan for Digital Learning that provides a transformative package for schools. This package includes the development of digital skills and the implementation of technology in pedagogical spaces.
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung.
Digital Services Act
The Digital Services Act aims to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected. Under Art 28, providers of online platforms accessible to minors must put in place appropriate and proportionate measures to ensure a high level of privacy, safety, and security of minors, on their service. The Digital Services Act imposes on all providers of digital services obligations to protect minors from illegal content online. They must write their terms and conditions in a way that children can understand.