Showing 1 - 10 out of 183 results
A Digital Decade for children and youth: the new European strategy for a better internet for kids (BIK+)
The vision of BIK+ strategy is for age-appropriate digital services, with every child in Europe protected, empowered and respected online, and no one left behind.
Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 Resetting education and training for the digital age
The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) supports the education and training systems in EU Member States to adapt to the digital age. In one action, the Commission is developing guidelines for teachers and educators to fight disinformation and promote digital literacy, so young people can use social media platforms safely and identify reliable information.
Engaging, Connecting and Empowering young people: a new EU Youth Strategy
The EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) encourages more young people to participate in democratic life (e.g. discuss publicly or actively online things that are important for everybody, vote in elections). The EU wants to support young people so they know about their rights, and have the skills and necessary resources to play an active part in society.
(Source: EC Compendium of BIK-related legislation).
Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life (2021-2030)
The Strategy aims to prevent and combat all forms of antisemitism, especially online; protect and support Jewish life in the EU; and promote education, research and Holocaust remembrance, in the EU and globally. The Commission supports Member States to prevent all forms of discrimination against children, including antisemitism, in schools, in sport and other activities, as well as online. Every European child should learn about Jewish life and culture, the history of the Holocaust and antisemitism, as part of Europe’s history.
"An informed consumer – who is allowed to process my personal data and why? Guidelines for customers "
The guidelines "An Informed Consumer" provide answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the protection of personal data of consumers in business and other online activities, mobile communications, participation in prize games, filling in questionnaires about preferences, clubs and benefit cards. The guidelines have been updated according to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.
(Source: The Information Commissioner/Informacijski pooblaščenec).
Entities responsible for implementation: Information Commissioner.
A Prevention Plan Targeted at Children and Young People - Tobacco, Nicotine and Alcohol
The preventive plan aims to advance requirements for children to access restricted content and goods, including through online access. It also addresses electronic age verification in physical stores and in the digital environment through the use of Denmark's digital identity system, MitID.
(Source: Prevention Plan).
Entities responsible for implementation: Danish Government.
Act on Early Childhood Education and Care
This Act lays down provisions on the rights of a child to early childhood education and care (ECEC), the organisation and provision of early childhood education and care, and the data repository for early childhood education and care.
Act Relating to the Protection of Minors Against Harmful Audiovisual Programmes
The 2015 Act relating to the protection of minors against harmful audiovisual programmes introduces a platform-independent approach, whereby provisions regarding the protection of minors are unified in one Act regardless of platform. The same protection tools will apply to all platforms (within the scope of the Act).
The Act applies to the communication of audiovisual programmes and connected material to the general public through:
• (Linear) television
• On-demand audiovisual media services
Act Relating to the Strengthening of the Status of Human Rights in Norwegian Law (The Human Rights Act)
In Norway, the Norwegian Constitution and The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (incorporated into Norwegian law through the Human Rights Act) establish children’s right to be heard in all matters that concern them. This also applies on a systemic level.
(Source: BIK Policy Monitor 2024).
Entities responsible for implementation: Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
Action Plan for a Safe Digital Upbringing
The national strategy for safe digital upbringing, ""Rett på nett"", was been drawn up by the Norwegian Media Authority on behalf of the Ministry of Children and Families, and was presented by the government in the autumn of 2021. As a follow-up to the strategy, the Norwegian Media Authority is leading the work on creating an action plan for better coordination of public efforts in the area.
(Source: Ministry of Children and Families).
Entities responsible for implementation: Norwegian Media Authority, Ministry of Children and Families.