Showing 91 - 100 out of 920 results
The Safer Internet Forum 2024 will see various online safety stakeholders and young people discuss topics around the theme: Where's the harm? Protecting children and young people against inappropriate content and bullying online.
The International Day of Tolerance brings attention to the diversity of society and calls all to respect and appreciate the cultures around us - both on and offline.
The Safer Internet Centre in Luxembourg launched a campaign highlighting the risks of deepfakes and other AI-generated content online under the slogan 'Monkey see, monkey do'.
The European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) was held in Turin, Italy, this year and the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre explains how Portugal fared and why such a competition is a necessity.
The Slovenian awareness centre brought up the topic of cyberbullying at the presidential forum which was dedicated to violence, where recommendations for new policies were shared.
The virtual nature of cyberbullying makes it difficult to identify and address, leaving victims often feeling isolated and do not know where to turn for help - but there are resources out there!
A Commission was established in France to evaluate children's exposures to screens. The members interviewed young people and experts on the effects screens have on children and adolescents.
The Safer Internet Centre of Luxembourg ran a campaign during the previous school year in which they shared useful information about cybersecurity and related issues.
The Portuguese Safer Internet Centre shared some testimonials from girls who participated in the Bootcamp for Girls in July 2024, which focused on women in STEM and ICT.
The 'manosphere' has been the topic of debate and controversy around masculinity, relationships, and gender dynamics - but how are teenagers affected?