For this reason, the helpline Ukraine was established in June 2022 by Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. – together with the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and with the support of the Deutsche Telekom. The helpline supports children, young people, parents and other relatives finding themselves in Germany.
The Helpline Ukraine can be contacted at 0800 - 500 225-0 from Monday to Friday between 14:00 and 17:00 CET. Counselling is provided in Ukrainian and Russian and is anonymous and confidential. Ukrainians and their relatives can talk with the counsellors about any concern, problem or issue they might have. The counsellors will listen and try to find out, together with those seeking support, what could help to improve their situation.
I feel better now. Talking to somebody in my mother language is a major relief.
Looking back at the first six months, it is clear that the Helpline Ukraine has been well received by those affected: almost 1,000 intensive counselling sessions were held. The focus of these counselling sessions was on various topics. The counsellors talked to Ukrainians who have difficulties in adapting to the new living conditions and with finding a new daily life in Germany. The housing situation is a major concern as well. Especially in urban areas, Ukrainians have problems finding a suitable place to live. In addition, there are worries about financing and questions about staying in Germany.
Finding relief from worries about relatives, friends and children is very important. Some also feel the need to talk about their experiences during the war. Overall, the counsellors pass on a lot of practical information and therefore always try to stay up to date. When needed, they refer callers to other institutions, such as the Foreigners' Registration Office and the Job Centre or recommend medical or psychological help.
The counsellors have an open ear for everyone who calls the helpline. Together they look for new perspectives and ideas on how to handle the situation. Having the chance to express their thoughts and worries in Ukrainian or Russian then is a major relief.
Find out more about Helpline Ukraine on the Nummer gegen Kummer website, and follow them on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date with their latest activities.
Find more information about the work of the German Safer Internet Centre, including their awareness raising, helpline, hotline, and youth participation services – or find similar information for other Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.

For this reason, the helpline Ukraine was established in June 2022 by Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. – together with the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and with the support of the Deutsche Telekom. The helpline supports children, young people, parents and other relatives finding themselves in Germany.
The Helpline Ukraine can be contacted at 0800 - 500 225-0 from Monday to Friday between 14:00 and 17:00 CET. Counselling is provided in Ukrainian and Russian and is anonymous and confidential. Ukrainians and their relatives can talk with the counsellors about any concern, problem or issue they might have. The counsellors will listen and try to find out, together with those seeking support, what could help to improve their situation.
I feel better now. Talking to somebody in my mother language is a major relief.
Looking back at the first six months, it is clear that the Helpline Ukraine has been well received by those affected: almost 1,000 intensive counselling sessions were held. The focus of these counselling sessions was on various topics. The counsellors talked to Ukrainians who have difficulties in adapting to the new living conditions and with finding a new daily life in Germany. The housing situation is a major concern as well. Especially in urban areas, Ukrainians have problems finding a suitable place to live. In addition, there are worries about financing and questions about staying in Germany.
Finding relief from worries about relatives, friends and children is very important. Some also feel the need to talk about their experiences during the war. Overall, the counsellors pass on a lot of practical information and therefore always try to stay up to date. When needed, they refer callers to other institutions, such as the Foreigners' Registration Office and the Job Centre or recommend medical or psychological help.
The counsellors have an open ear for everyone who calls the helpline. Together they look for new perspectives and ideas on how to handle the situation. Having the chance to express their thoughts and worries in Ukrainian or Russian then is a major relief.
Find out more about Helpline Ukraine on the Nummer gegen Kummer website, and follow them on Instagram and Facebook to stay up-to-date with their latest activities.
Find more information about the work of the German Safer Internet Centre, including their awareness raising, helpline, hotline, and youth participation services – or find similar information for other Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.
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