Nationwide activities for Safer Internet Day 2020
The Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre (SIC) took part in this global observance by organising and coordinating SID in Luxembourg. A few days ahead of SID, the SIC held a press conference to inform the public and the press of the celebrations. Apart from the Annual report 2019, the Luxembourgish SIC also presented their latest publications and the events they had planned as part of SID.
The mobilisation at national level was great: with the active participation of various institutions, such as the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, the Independent Luxembourgish Audiovisual Authority (Autorité Luxembourgeoise Indépendante de l'Audiovisuel, ALIA), the Chamber of Trades (Chambre des Métiers), the Restena Foundation, the POST Luxembourg, the Grand-Ducal Police, the Coordination Service for Pedagogical and Technological Research and Innovation (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation Pédagogiques et Technologiques, SCRIPT), the Centre for Political Education (Zentrum fir politesch Bildung, ZpB), the High Commissioner for National Protection (Haut-Commissariat à la Protection Nationale, HCPN), Microsoft Luxembourg, Kinepolis Kirchberg, the national media, the Luxembourgish government, the various high schools in the country, the various youth centres, the University of Luxembourg, social associations (Young Caritas, Unicef, AFP - Solidarité-Famille asbl, ASTI...), numerous ICT initiatives (Digital Luxembourg, LU-CIX…), individuals, and so on. Moreover, the trainings carried out by the Luxembourgish SIC during the month of February were all dedicated to SID 2020.
These different organisations addressed different target groups in quite different ways, with some specific examples in the following.
A parents' evening in a new, open format was not only one of the main successes of this year's SID, but may also be seen as a best practice for the SIC's awareness work to reach parents: 80 participants appreciated the opportunity to ask concrete questions to a trio of experts: the national helpline KJT (psychological aspects), the police (legal aspects) and a BEE SECURE trainer (pedagogical aspects).
As operator of the Luxembourgish Helpline and Stopline, the KJT organised a half-day expert conference. About 70 pedagogues and psychologists discussed the challenges of fighting the sexual abuse of children, paving the way for putting efforts in possible perpetrator prophylaxis as victim protection in Luxembourg.
Online safety and data privacy expert Chris Pinchen facilitated two SID events for the general public: Understanding manipul@tion: a better internet starts with you!, a presentation with a Q&A during lunch time in collaboration with the representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg and securitymadein.lu. The second event was a Privacy Salon organised in the evening at the Luxembourg Hackerspace. Both events gathered about 80 participants and attracted a lot of interest from the media.
Find the list of all SID events in Luxembourg and some visual impressions of SID activities on beesecure.lu.
More solidarity means more visibility and awareness
Thanks to these numerous actors, SID 2020 received a lot of attention and thus enabled Luxembourgish citizens to become more aware of the need for a safer, more responsible and more positive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The Luxembourgish SIC would like to thank all participants, experts and individuals who made this day an unforgettable experience! Without this important support, Safer Internet Day would not have reached so many citizens. The Luxembourgish SIC is pleased to see that more and more companies are realising the importance of addressing various cybersecurity issues.
All reactions, videos and photos of Safer Internet Day 2020 in Luxembourg can be found on the SIC's social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
For more information about Safer Internet Day activities in Luxembourg, visit the Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre's Safer Internet Day profile page.
Find out more information about the work of the Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre (SIC) generally, including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services, or find similar information for Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.

Nationwide activities for Safer Internet Day 2020
The Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre (SIC) took part in this global observance by organising and coordinating SID in Luxembourg. A few days ahead of SID, the SIC held a press conference to inform the public and the press of the celebrations. Apart from the Annual report 2019, the Luxembourgish SIC also presented their latest publications and the events they had planned as part of SID.
The mobilisation at national level was great: with the active participation of various institutions, such as the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, the Independent Luxembourgish Audiovisual Authority (Autorité Luxembourgeoise Indépendante de l'Audiovisuel, ALIA), the Chamber of Trades (Chambre des Métiers), the Restena Foundation, the POST Luxembourg, the Grand-Ducal Police, the Coordination Service for Pedagogical and Technological Research and Innovation (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l'Innovation Pédagogiques et Technologiques, SCRIPT), the Centre for Political Education (Zentrum fir politesch Bildung, ZpB), the High Commissioner for National Protection (Haut-Commissariat à la Protection Nationale, HCPN), Microsoft Luxembourg, Kinepolis Kirchberg, the national media, the Luxembourgish government, the various high schools in the country, the various youth centres, the University of Luxembourg, social associations (Young Caritas, Unicef, AFP - Solidarité-Famille asbl, ASTI...), numerous ICT initiatives (Digital Luxembourg, LU-CIX…), individuals, and so on. Moreover, the trainings carried out by the Luxembourgish SIC during the month of February were all dedicated to SID 2020.
These different organisations addressed different target groups in quite different ways, with some specific examples in the following.
A parents' evening in a new, open format was not only one of the main successes of this year's SID, but may also be seen as a best practice for the SIC's awareness work to reach parents: 80 participants appreciated the opportunity to ask concrete questions to a trio of experts: the national helpline KJT (psychological aspects), the police (legal aspects) and a BEE SECURE trainer (pedagogical aspects).
As operator of the Luxembourgish Helpline and Stopline, the KJT organised a half-day expert conference. About 70 pedagogues and psychologists discussed the challenges of fighting the sexual abuse of children, paving the way for putting efforts in possible perpetrator prophylaxis as victim protection in Luxembourg.
Online safety and data privacy expert Chris Pinchen facilitated two SID events for the general public: Understanding manipul@tion: a better internet starts with you!, a presentation with a Q&A during lunch time in collaboration with the representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg and securitymadein.lu. The second event was a Privacy Salon organised in the evening at the Luxembourg Hackerspace. Both events gathered about 80 participants and attracted a lot of interest from the media.
Find the list of all SID events in Luxembourg and some visual impressions of SID activities on beesecure.lu.
More solidarity means more visibility and awareness
Thanks to these numerous actors, SID 2020 received a lot of attention and thus enabled Luxembourgish citizens to become more aware of the need for a safer, more responsible and more positive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The Luxembourgish SIC would like to thank all participants, experts and individuals who made this day an unforgettable experience! Without this important support, Safer Internet Day would not have reached so many citizens. The Luxembourgish SIC is pleased to see that more and more companies are realising the importance of addressing various cybersecurity issues.
All reactions, videos and photos of Safer Internet Day 2020 in Luxembourg can be found on the SIC's social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
For more information about Safer Internet Day activities in Luxembourg, visit the Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre's Safer Internet Day profile page.
Find out more information about the work of the Luxembourgish Safer Internet Centre (SIC) generally, including its awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services, or find similar information for Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.