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Encouraging responsible consumption of cultural content in France

The internet grants its users – including the younger ones – access to a wide range of cultural content. In the past decades, this new accessibility has changed cultural consumption practices. In particular, young people no longer clearly perceive the boundaries of legality; what is more, they do not necessarily consider the consequences of their actions online.

In France, Hadopi (the High Authority in charge of the dissemination of works and the protection of rights on the internet) is an independent public authority, member of the Steering Committee of the French Safer Internet Centre. Hadopi encourages the development of the legal offer, monitors the legal and illegal use of works and protects the distribution of such works.

Training young people in digital citizenship

As part of encouraging the development of the legal offer, Hadopi conducts information and awareness workshops for students from primary to high school, and for the educational community. To reach more schools and raise awareness among more students, Hadopi has entrusted TRALALERE since 2018 with the production of new educational materials, in conjunction with Internet Sans Crainte.

Screenshot of a video part of the Handopi training

Illustration 1 – Screenshot from the Hadopi resources

Teachers and educators can thus lead workshop sessions through pedagogical modules alternating theory and practice: digital tours, animation videos and creation of materials by young people, who are in turn placed in the position of creators. Each module is accompanied by a teaching guide and documents. For more information, view the resources for educators on the Hadopi website (in French).

Video for a Hadopi workshop

Hadopi also identifies legal online offers of cultural content through a gallery available on its website. In January 2021, 415 services offering dematerialised cultural content were featured.

For more details, the Hadopi barometer on the legal offer of cultural content online provides the following insights:

  • The free consumption of cultural content remains primordial for 79 per cent of consumers, but half of them have subscribed to a service.
  • Consumers seem satisfied with their offers, with 87 per cent indicating they want to continue using the services they are currently using.

Find more information, have a look at the “L’Essentiel” information sheet on the 2019 figures of the barometer (in French). 

Find out more about the work of the French Safer Internet Centre, including their awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services – or find similar information for Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.

The internet grants its users – including the younger ones – access to a wide range of cultural content. In the past decades, this new accessibility has changed cultural consumption practices. In particular, young people no longer clearly perceive the boundaries of legality; what is more, they do not necessarily consider the consequences of their actions online.

In France, Hadopi (the High Authority in charge of the dissemination of works and the protection of rights on the internet) is an independent public authority, member of the Steering Committee of the French Safer Internet Centre. Hadopi encourages the development of the legal offer, monitors the legal and illegal use of works and protects the distribution of such works.

Training young people in digital citizenship

As part of encouraging the development of the legal offer, Hadopi conducts information and awareness workshops for students from primary to high school, and for the educational community. To reach more schools and raise awareness among more students, Hadopi has entrusted TRALALERE since 2018 with the production of new educational materials, in conjunction with Internet Sans Crainte.

Screenshot of a video part of the Handopi training

Illustration 1 – Screenshot from the Hadopi resources

Teachers and educators can thus lead workshop sessions through pedagogical modules alternating theory and practice: digital tours, animation videos and creation of materials by young people, who are in turn placed in the position of creators. Each module is accompanied by a teaching guide and documents. For more information, view the resources for educators on the Hadopi website (in French).

Video for a Hadopi workshop

Hadopi also identifies legal online offers of cultural content through a gallery available on its website. In January 2021, 415 services offering dematerialised cultural content were featured.

For more details, the Hadopi barometer on the legal offer of cultural content online provides the following insights:

  • The free consumption of cultural content remains primordial for 79 per cent of consumers, but half of them have subscribed to a service.
  • Consumers seem satisfied with their offers, with 87 per cent indicating they want to continue using the services they are currently using.

Find more information, have a look at the “L’Essentiel” information sheet on the 2019 figures of the barometer (in French). 

Find out more about the work of the French Safer Internet Centre, including their awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services – or find similar information for Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe.