Board game aims to improve pupil’s skills to analyse information and assess online risks as well as understand consequences of negative behaviour on the internet. Board game consists of 10 comics reflecting different problematic situations online and 20 tasks to look at each of the situation using task cards, and also evaluate themselves filling self-assessment work sheets. Board game is created in a way to make pupils think, identify risks, find solutions, predict how each situation can evolve, also think critically when analysing and sharing online information.
10 Comics reflect the following situations: rude language online; cyberbullying; pretending to be someone else on the internet; internet addiction; critical thinking; fake news; netiquette; virtual vs real life; copyrights.
20 Task cards include such tasks as: If you were the person in the situation, what is your explanation? What were the main mistakes why the problem happened? Explain the situation to your grandma/ younger sister! What would be your comment on the internet about this situation? Tell us about similar situation you have experienced! What would be the most positive solution to this problem? What you can learn from this situation? Etc.
Game of comics can be used to organize discussions in the classroom, so that students analyse each situation and offer solutions. This is a negotiating game without the right answers, because the only goal of the game is TO THINK! The game is printable and adaptable to different working forms, methods and number of players.
About this resource
Board game aims to improve pupil’s skills to analyse information and assess online risks as well as understand consequences of negative behaviour on the internet. Board game consists of 10 comics reflecting different problematic situations online and 20 tasks to look at each of the situation using task cards, and also evaluate themselves filling self-assessment work sheets. Board game is created in a way to make pupils think, identify risks, find solutions, predict how each situation can evolve, also think critically when analysing and sharing online information.
10 Comics reflect the following situations: rude language online; cyberbullying; pretending to be someone else on the internet; internet addiction; critical thinking; fake news; netiquette; virtual vs real life; copyrights.
20 Task cards include such tasks as: If you were the person in the situation, what is your explanation? What were the main mistakes why the problem happened? Explain the situation to your grandma/ younger sister! What would be your comment on the internet about this situation? Tell us about similar situation you have experienced! What would be the most positive solution to this problem? What you can learn from this situation? Etc.
Game of comics can be used to organize discussions in the classroom, so that students analyse each situation and offer solutions. This is a negotiating game without the right answers, because the only goal of the game is TO THINK! The game is printable and adaptable to different working forms, methods and number of players.