Together with numerous partners throughout Germany, klicksafe organised extensive campaigns and activities on pornography and online sexual education for young people, parents and educational professionals under the motto "Let's talk about porn!". The revised teaching material “Let’s talk about porn!”, videos, quizzes and much more can be found on the central landing page for SID 2024 in Germany.
In addition to the main SID event for experts and press in Mainz, a special Q&A chat organised by the German Safer Internet Centre was offered, in which experts answered questions about online pornography, sexual education and sexual boundary violations.
Discussion panel no. 1 on the topic "One click to porn. How can we protect children?". Katja Knierim (jugendschutz.net), Tabea Freitag (psychologist), Linda Joe Fuhrich (moderator) and Dr. Marc Jan Eumann (Medienanstalt Rheinland-Pfalz) (from left to right) discuss.
The main SID event in Mainz
In cooperation with the Media Authority Rhineland-Palatinate, klicksafe organised a Safer Internet Day event at the ZDF headquarters in Mainz on Tuesday, 6 February 2024. ZDF (“Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen”) is Germany’s second national public television broadcaster and is run as an independent non-profit corporation under the authority of the Länder, the sixteen states that constitute the Federal Republic of Germany.
The participating students try out the green screens at ZDF headquarters.
Under the title "Let's talk about porn! Pornography online", experts in sex and media education, youth media protection, politics and science discussed where child protection must apply and when education is necessary. The event was very well attended with over 100 participants. Together with pro familia Munich – pro familia is Germany’s largest non-governmental organisation for counselling related to sexual, pregnancy and companionship issues – klicksafe offered workshops for ninth grade students. Topics such as body image, sexuality, attitudes towards pornography and the legal implications were covered in a protected space. Two panel discussions addressed the question of how we can effectively protect children from content that is harmful to minors. And how we can provide young people with educational support and information. Pictures from the event are available here.
The Q&A session of the German SIC
On Safer Internet Day, all interested parties were able to ask their questions – anonymously and free of charge – on the topic of pornography between 8:00 and 18:00 CEST on the day. The experts from the German Safer Internet Centre consortium (klicksafe, Nummer gegen Kummer, jugendschutz.net, eco e.V., and FSM) answered incoming questions live in the Q&A chat. Sex education questions were specifically answered by experts from pro familia Munich and sexologist Magdalena Heinzl. All together, they answered around 100 questions on the topics of sexuality, sex education, legal implications and the protection of children and young people. You can read a selection of the questions received here.
High participation on social media
Many institutions, associations and private individuals also supported Safer Internet Day 2024 online. For example by posting pictures of individual events and information on the topic of pornography use. All posts with the hashtags #SID24 and #SID2024 are archived on the klicksafe’s social media wall.
Hundreds of events throughout Germany
Throughout Germany, more than 250 events and campaigns were registered for Safer Internet Day, most of which took place on the day itself. These included online events, workshops at schools, and social media campaigns. The SID event overview is still available on klicksafe’s website.
Nationwide media coverage
Safer Internet Day 2024 was featured in many television programs, on radio stations, in newspapers and on websites all across Germany. The reporting often focused on the national theme of the year, "Let's talk about porn! Pornography online", but also covered many other aspects of online safety.
The German Safer Internet Centre would like to thank everyone who took part in Safer Internet Day 2024, making the internet better for everyone – together!
Find out more about Safer Internet Day in Germanyor learn about the work work of the German Safer Internet Centre more generally.

Together with numerous partners throughout Germany, klicksafe organised extensive campaigns and activities on pornography and online sexual education for young people, parents and educational professionals under the motto "Let's talk about porn!". The revised teaching material “Let’s talk about porn!”, videos, quizzes and much more can be found on the central landing page for SID 2024 in Germany.
In addition to the main SID event for experts and press in Mainz, a special Q&A chat organised by the German Safer Internet Centre was offered, in which experts answered questions about online pornography, sexual education and sexual boundary violations.
Discussion panel no. 1 on the topic "One click to porn. How can we protect children?". Katja Knierim (jugendschutz.net), Tabea Freitag (psychologist), Linda Joe Fuhrich (moderator) and Dr. Marc Jan Eumann (Medienanstalt Rheinland-Pfalz) (from left to right) discuss.
The main SID event in Mainz
In cooperation with the Media Authority Rhineland-Palatinate, klicksafe organised a Safer Internet Day event at the ZDF headquarters in Mainz on Tuesday, 6 February 2024. ZDF (“Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen”) is Germany’s second national public television broadcaster and is run as an independent non-profit corporation under the authority of the Länder, the sixteen states that constitute the Federal Republic of Germany.
The participating students try out the green screens at ZDF headquarters.
Under the title "Let's talk about porn! Pornography online", experts in sex and media education, youth media protection, politics and science discussed where child protection must apply and when education is necessary. The event was very well attended with over 100 participants. Together with pro familia Munich – pro familia is Germany’s largest non-governmental organisation for counselling related to sexual, pregnancy and companionship issues – klicksafe offered workshops for ninth grade students. Topics such as body image, sexuality, attitudes towards pornography and the legal implications were covered in a protected space. Two panel discussions addressed the question of how we can effectively protect children from content that is harmful to minors. And how we can provide young people with educational support and information. Pictures from the event are available here.
The Q&A session of the German SIC
On Safer Internet Day, all interested parties were able to ask their questions – anonymously and free of charge – on the topic of pornography between 8:00 and 18:00 CEST on the day. The experts from the German Safer Internet Centre consortium (klicksafe, Nummer gegen Kummer, jugendschutz.net, eco e.V., and FSM) answered incoming questions live in the Q&A chat. Sex education questions were specifically answered by experts from pro familia Munich and sexologist Magdalena Heinzl. All together, they answered around 100 questions on the topics of sexuality, sex education, legal implications and the protection of children and young people. You can read a selection of the questions received here.
High participation on social media
Many institutions, associations and private individuals also supported Safer Internet Day 2024 online. For example by posting pictures of individual events and information on the topic of pornography use. All posts with the hashtags #SID24 and #SID2024 are archived on the klicksafe’s social media wall.
Hundreds of events throughout Germany
Throughout Germany, more than 250 events and campaigns were registered for Safer Internet Day, most of which took place on the day itself. These included online events, workshops at schools, and social media campaigns. The SID event overview is still available on klicksafe’s website.
Nationwide media coverage
Safer Internet Day 2024 was featured in many television programs, on radio stations, in newspapers and on websites all across Germany. The reporting often focused on the national theme of the year, "Let's talk about porn! Pornography online", but also covered many other aspects of online safety.
The German Safer Internet Centre would like to thank everyone who took part in Safer Internet Day 2024, making the internet better for everyone – together!
Find out more about Safer Internet Day in Germanyor learn about the work work of the German Safer Internet Centre more generally.
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