The national strategy for the protection and promotion of children's rights 2023-2027 "Protected children, safe Romania" was developed based on a close collaboration process between the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption (ANPDCA) and line ministries, public institutions responsible for the implementation policies in the field of protection and promotion of children's rights, representative organizations of children and students, non-governmental organizations that provide support services for children, as well as international organizations active in the promotion of children's rights and representatives of the academic sector.
(Source: BIK Policy Monitor 2024)
The vision of the Strategy "Protected children, safe Romania" is to ensure, with the involvement of children, the effective realization of the rights of all children, including the most vulnerable, in all areas of life, by fully ensuring access to quality public services.
(Source: Website).
Entities responsible for implementation: Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption.

The national strategy for the protection and promotion of children's rights 2023-2027 "Protected children, safe Romania" was developed based on a close collaboration process between the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption (ANPDCA) and line ministries, public institutions responsible for the implementation policies in the field of protection and promotion of children's rights, representative organizations of children and students, non-governmental organizations that provide support services for children, as well as international organizations active in the promotion of children's rights and representatives of the academic sector.
(Source: BIK Policy Monitor 2024)
The vision of the Strategy "Protected children, safe Romania" is to ensure, with the involvement of children, the effective realization of the rights of all children, including the most vulnerable, in all areas of life, by fully ensuring access to quality public services.
(Source: Website).
Entities responsible for implementation: Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption.
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