This strategy is an outcome of the Cybersecurity Strategy of the Republic of Cyprus, for the National Education/Information Program specifically for children, teachers and parents. The National strategy for a better internet for children in Cyprus has taken into account the directions of the European strategy ""Better Internet for children"" and adopted ideas from other strategies and actions at national, European and international level, while adapting the recommendations to the Cypriot context, through the investigation of needs from various population groups (educators, parents and children).
The development of a strategy for the safe use of the internet arises as an obligation within the framework of the European and National Cyber Security Strategy. The Safer Internet Strategy promotes a culture of creative use of the Internet safely and responsibly with the goal of a better Internet for children. The strategy includes actions concerning children, but also teachers, parents and the wider public. The strategy is addressed to all the actors involved who contribute to the existence and development of the internet, its content and services - and not only to the recipients and users of the internet -, with the aim of providing policy guidelines through priorities and conditions and incentives for development measures and actions to promote a better internet for children. The implementation of the strategy is expected to take place with the contribution of all involved bodies, including public and private sector bodies and the state, during 2018-2023.
Source: website.
Entities responsible for implementation: Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

This strategy is an outcome of the Cybersecurity Strategy of the Republic of Cyprus, for the National Education/Information Program specifically for children, teachers and parents. The National strategy for a better internet for children in Cyprus has taken into account the directions of the European strategy ""Better Internet for children"" and adopted ideas from other strategies and actions at national, European and international level, while adapting the recommendations to the Cypriot context, through the investigation of needs from various population groups (educators, parents and children).
The development of a strategy for the safe use of the internet arises as an obligation within the framework of the European and National Cyber Security Strategy. The Safer Internet Strategy promotes a culture of creative use of the Internet safely and responsibly with the goal of a better Internet for children. The strategy includes actions concerning children, but also teachers, parents and the wider public. The strategy is addressed to all the actors involved who contribute to the existence and development of the internet, its content and services - and not only to the recipients and users of the internet -, with the aim of providing policy guidelines through priorities and conditions and incentives for development measures and actions to promote a better internet for children. The implementation of the strategy is expected to take place with the contribution of all involved bodies, including public and private sector bodies and the state, during 2018-2023.
Source: website.
Entities responsible for implementation: Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education and Culture.