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Portuguese Safer Internet Centre

This Safer Internet Centre receives EU co-funding under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) grant agreement for Member States.
Profile last updated: March 2025

About the organisation

The Portuguese Safer Internet Centre exists to promote a safer and better use of the internet and mobile technologies among children and young people.

Awareness centre

The objectives of the awareness centre activities of the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre (PTSIC) are to implement dissemination activities, plan awareness campaigns, promote project results and ensure that all services are well known by decision makers, relevant stakeholders and the general public.

PTSIC assures the organisation and development of the Safer Internet Day (SID) national celebration event and other initiatives at a national and local level. It also ensures online participation through websites and social networks, according to common European visual themes.

PTSIC promotes hotline and helpline services through inventive and attention-grabbing marketing campaigns, awareness-raising sessions and relevant actors, such as industry, law enforcement authorities, child protection and welfare organisations, parent organisations and media partners.

PTSIC participates in the most relevant events organised by third parties, such as youth-related national events (Summer Festivals).

Seguranet is responsible for awareness and dissemination activities targeting the school community; training sessions for law enforcement authorities, Public Prosecutor's Office, Lisbon Civil Protection collaborators; awareness campaign for National Defence Day; developing new editions of MOOCs; participating in specific initiatives such as as the eSafety Label and eTwinning, "Introduction to Coding in 1st grade" project, Digital Leaders and SeguraNet Challenges.

IPDJ, in cooperation with National Campaign Committee, promotes training sessions and awareness activities in the framework of the No Hate Speech Movement (NHSM) campaign, focusing on online hate speech and human rights for internet users.

PTSIC, through FPT, is adopting a new awareness campaign, bringing theatre to the community. Starring well-known actors, these shows address online safety topics in theatre rooms, in partnership with municipalities, tackling different topics such as cyberbullying, privacy, digital identity, online reputation and behaviours.

Social media


Linha Internet Segura is a helpline based on a telephone and online answering service directed to children, teenagers, parents and teachers on issues related to the use of online technologies and prevention in cases of possible danger.

Linha Internet Segura is coordinated by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Funding Agency for Science and Technology) under the Internet Segura consortium and the Safer Internet programme, which is co-funded by the European Commission. This service ensures anonymous and confidential support regarding the use of online technologies, covering all related matters, including relationship problems within families or among peers, bullying, as well as complaint management in case of suspicion of improper exploitation of children or adolescents.

Social media


The mission of Linha Alerta is to contribute to the blocking of illegal content on the internet and prosecution of its disseminators by authorities. These objectives may be achieved by providing the Portuguese law enforcement agencies with collected information in order to facilitate the elimination of the illegal content and the identification of those responsible for these materials and by means of collaboration with national internet service providers (ISPs) and international counterparts in the fight against illegal content. In order to carry out this core activity, Linha Alerta has a website – – where any person can lodge a complaint, in an anonymous way. This service is provided in Portuguese and English. The staff are bound by professional secrecy. Linha Alerta addresses the following illegal content: child sexual abuse material (CSAM); incitement to violence content; incitement to racial hatred content.

Social media

Youth participation

DGE is responsible for the "Digital Leaders" initiative, through SeguraNet, that promotes the safer use of the internet and mobile devices, fostered by young students (from 9 to 18 years). Each Digital Leader runs awareness-raising sessions for the educational community. They are part of an online practice community, acting as SeguraNet and PT Safer Internet Centre advisors. Each educational community has at least one teacher that ensures and supervises their activities.

The key implementation areas are:

  • design and use of an online virtual learning environment (LMS Moodle page).
  • synchronous distance training (online virtual Adobe Connect room) for teachers and students.
  • online asynchronous autonomous distance training sessions (LMS Moodle page).
  • Digital Leaders and teachers' virtual community of practice (Forum on LMS Moodle page).
  • evaluation of the core pedagogical and technological components of the training sessions.
  • post-training gathering of information about the intervention plans led in their educational communities.
  • development of dissemination and informal training activities in the educational communities intervention plans.

IPDJ, the other PT SIC consortium partner responsible for the youth sector, has a bank of young volunteers, trained to carry out awareness-raising activities aimed at various audiences, in all regions of the country. It also develops activities with and for young people, online and offline, within the No Hate Speech Movement Campaign by extending the number of young activists of the campaign able to produce and use counter-narratives and organising awareness-raising related to the campaign themes, including cyberbullying, sexist speech, radicalisation, hate crimes and human rights online.

Social media

Key successes

In the last project, the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre (PTSIC) consortium organised more than 300 awareness sessions in schools, with the cooperation of National ICT Competence Centres, plus 900 sessions about digital security (for young people aged 18) during National Defense Day, involving 130,000 youngsters.

PTSIC made a special awareness session in EPI, during the production of some awareness resources by students. The students made some very good resources and were extremely engaged as part of a new peer-to-peer methodology. There have been regular follow up meetings with teachers.

During this period, PTSIC made six training sessions for Casa Pia de Lisboa (responsible for several foster homes in Lisbon) and the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People. These professionals work directly with social excluded and/or institionalised children and youngsters. To train these professionals, workshops were organised across the country, focused on how these professionals could access and use the project services, namely the hotline and helpline, and on emergent trends such as online addiction, cyberbullying and legal specifications related with online crimes. These sessions reached more than 200 participants and were considered by themselves as an important workshop focused on relevant information.

Regarding the creation of a new resource (online mini-series) inspired by UNICEF Brasil, PTSIC organised a brainstorming/discussion with some digital leaders from across the country. The aim of this event, led by the script writers, was to improve the scripts' content in order to adapt the resource to the target group.

Key partners/supporters

Supporters of the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre include:

  • Municipalities
  • Acreditar Association
  • Association for Consumer Protection
  • Association for Victim Support
  • Barrigas e Companhia
  • BueFixe
  • CADIN Interactivo
  • Casa Pia de Lisbon
  • Civil Protection Municipal Service of Lisbon
  • Casa Tinoni
  • Comissão Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos e Proteção das Crianças e Jovens
  • Comunication Regulatory Body
  • Confederation of Parents Associations
  • Conselho Nacional da Juventude
  • Directorate-General for Books, Archives and Libraries
  • Directorate-General for the Consumer Rights
  • Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion – EPIS
  • EU KIDS Online
  • Fórum Estudante
  • Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações
  • GNR (Gendarmerie)
  • GO-TO
  • High Commissariat for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue – ACIDI
  • ICT Society Network
  • ICT Competence Centres
  • Institute for Child Support – IAC
  • Judicial Police – PJ
  • Law Enforcement Agency – PSP
  • LX4Kids
  • Media Literacy Group
  • Ministry of National Defense
  • National Federation of Youth Associations – FNAJ
  • ParentNets Project
  • Portuguese CSIRT Network
  • Portuguese Data Protection Authority – CNPD
  • Portuguese Red Cross Youth
  • Portuguese Ombudsman
  • Portuguese Youth Network for Gender Equality Association
  • Professional School of Image – EPI
  • Programa Escolhas
  • RTP
  • Sapo Channel
  • School Libraries Network – RBE

Additional links / resources

This Safer Internet Centre receives EU co-funding under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) grant agreement for Member States.
Profile last updated: March 2025

About the organisation

The Portuguese Safer Internet Centre exists to promote a safer and better use of the internet and mobile technologies among children and young people.

Awareness centre

The objectives of the awareness centre activities of the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre (PTSIC) are to implement dissemination activities, plan awareness campaigns, promote project results and ensure that all services are well known by decision makers, relevant stakeholders and the general public.

PTSIC assures the organisation and development of the Safer Internet Day (SID) national celebration event and other initiatives at a national and local level. It also ensures online participation through websites and social networks, according to common European visual themes.

PTSIC promotes hotline and helpline services through inventive and attention-grabbing marketing campaigns, awareness-raising sessions and relevant actors, such as industry, law enforcement authorities, child protection and welfare organisations, parent organisations and media partners.

PTSIC participates in the most relevant events organised by third parties, such as youth-related national events (Summer Festivals).

Seguranet is responsible for awareness and dissemination activities targeting the school community; training sessions for law enforcement authorities, Public Prosecutor's Office, Lisbon Civil Protection collaborators; awareness campaign for National Defence Day; developing new editions of MOOCs; participating in specific initiatives such as as the eSafety Label and eTwinning, "Introduction to Coding in 1st grade" project, Digital Leaders and SeguraNet Challenges.

IPDJ, in cooperation with National Campaign Committee, promotes training sessions and awareness activities in the framework of the No Hate Speech Movement (NHSM) campaign, focusing on online hate speech and human rights for internet users.

PTSIC, through FPT, is adopting a new awareness campaign, bringing theatre to the community. Starring well-known actors, these shows address online safety topics in theatre rooms, in partnership with municipalities, tackling different topics such as cyberbullying, privacy, digital identity, online reputation and behaviours.

Social media


Linha Internet Segura is a helpline based on a telephone and online answering service directed to children, teenagers, parents and teachers on issues related to the use of online technologies and prevention in cases of possible danger.

Linha Internet Segura is coordinated by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - Funding Agency for Science and Technology) under the Internet Segura consortium and the Safer Internet programme, which is co-funded by the European Commission. This service ensures anonymous and confidential support regarding the use of online technologies, covering all related matters, including relationship problems within families or among peers, bullying, as well as complaint management in case of suspicion of improper exploitation of children or adolescents.

Social media


The mission of Linha Alerta is to contribute to the blocking of illegal content on the internet and prosecution of its disseminators by authorities. These objectives may be achieved by providing the Portuguese law enforcement agencies with collected information in order to facilitate the elimination of the illegal content and the identification of those responsible for these materials and by means of collaboration with national internet service providers (ISPs) and international counterparts in the fight against illegal content. In order to carry out this core activity, Linha Alerta has a website – – where any person can lodge a complaint, in an anonymous way. This service is provided in Portuguese and English. The staff are bound by professional secrecy. Linha Alerta addresses the following illegal content: child sexual abuse material (CSAM); incitement to violence content; incitement to racial hatred content.

Social media

Youth participation

DGE is responsible for the "Digital Leaders" initiative, through SeguraNet, that promotes the safer use of the internet and mobile devices, fostered by young students (from 9 to 18 years). Each Digital Leader runs awareness-raising sessions for the educational community. They are part of an online practice community, acting as SeguraNet and PT Safer Internet Centre advisors. Each educational community has at least one teacher that ensures and supervises their activities.

The key implementation areas are:

  • design and use of an online virtual learning environment (LMS Moodle page).
  • synchronous distance training (online virtual Adobe Connect room) for teachers and students.
  • online asynchronous autonomous distance training sessions (LMS Moodle page).
  • Digital Leaders and teachers' virtual community of practice (Forum on LMS Moodle page).
  • evaluation of the core pedagogical and technological components of the training sessions.
  • post-training gathering of information about the intervention plans led in their educational communities.
  • development of dissemination and informal training activities in the educational communities intervention plans.

IPDJ, the other PT SIC consortium partner responsible for the youth sector, has a bank of young volunteers, trained to carry out awareness-raising activities aimed at various audiences, in all regions of the country. It also develops activities with and for young people, online and offline, within the No Hate Speech Movement Campaign by extending the number of young activists of the campaign able to produce and use counter-narratives and organising awareness-raising related to the campaign themes, including cyberbullying, sexist speech, radicalisation, hate crimes and human rights online.

Social media

Key successes

In the last project, the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre (PTSIC) consortium organised more than 300 awareness sessions in schools, with the cooperation of National ICT Competence Centres, plus 900 sessions about digital security (for young people aged 18) during National Defense Day, involving 130,000 youngsters.

PTSIC made a special awareness session in EPI, during the production of some awareness resources by students. The students made some very good resources and were extremely engaged as part of a new peer-to-peer methodology. There have been regular follow up meetings with teachers.

During this period, PTSIC made six training sessions for Casa Pia de Lisboa (responsible for several foster homes in Lisbon) and the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People. These professionals work directly with social excluded and/or institionalised children and youngsters. To train these professionals, workshops were organised across the country, focused on how these professionals could access and use the project services, namely the hotline and helpline, and on emergent trends such as online addiction, cyberbullying and legal specifications related with online crimes. These sessions reached more than 200 participants and were considered by themselves as an important workshop focused on relevant information.

Regarding the creation of a new resource (online mini-series) inspired by UNICEF Brasil, PTSIC organised a brainstorming/discussion with some digital leaders from across the country. The aim of this event, led by the script writers, was to improve the scripts' content in order to adapt the resource to the target group.

Key partners/supporters

Supporters of the Portuguese Safer Internet Centre include:

  • Municipalities
  • Acreditar Association
  • Association for Consumer Protection
  • Association for Victim Support
  • Barrigas e Companhia
  • BueFixe
  • CADIN Interactivo
  • Casa Pia de Lisbon
  • Civil Protection Municipal Service of Lisbon
  • Casa Tinoni
  • Comissão Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos e Proteção das Crianças e Jovens
  • Comunication Regulatory Body
  • Confederation of Parents Associations
  • Conselho Nacional da Juventude
  • Directorate-General for Books, Archives and Libraries
  • Directorate-General for the Consumer Rights
  • Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion – EPIS
  • EU KIDS Online
  • Fórum Estudante
  • Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações
  • GNR (Gendarmerie)
  • GO-TO
  • High Commissariat for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue – ACIDI
  • ICT Society Network
  • ICT Competence Centres
  • Institute for Child Support – IAC
  • Judicial Police – PJ
  • Law Enforcement Agency – PSP
  • LX4Kids
  • Media Literacy Group
  • Ministry of National Defense
  • National Federation of Youth Associations – FNAJ
  • ParentNets Project
  • Portuguese CSIRT Network
  • Portuguese Data Protection Authority – CNPD
  • Portuguese Red Cross Youth
  • Portuguese Ombudsman
  • Portuguese Youth Network for Gender Equality Association
  • Professional School of Image – EPI
  • Programa Escolhas
  • RTP
  • Sapo Channel
  • School Libraries Network – RBE

Additional links / resources