About the organisation
Safer Internet Armenia, Safe.am, is the national project promoting and ensuring a better and safer use of the internet and digital technologies among young people and adults. In the framework of Safer Internet Armenia training programmes, information campaigns, surveys, round tables and media events are organised, and teaching materials are provided to educational institutions. The project is supported by the National Center of Educational Technologies, RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, Yerevan City Municipality, and regional and municipal authorities. The project is run by a consortium of partners coordinated by the Armenian Safer Internet Committee and STEM Society.
Awareness centre
Safer Internet Armenia's programme includes the following awareness-raising activities:
- Training sessions and workshops for school children, parents and teachers.
- Creative competitions (in online safety, fact-checking, and media literacy skills) for teachers, schools and students.
- Development and dissemination of educational resources for teachers, parents and young people.
- Work with media organisations.
The counselling and psycho-social support helplines are in the process of formation. A professional easy-to-access consultation system would help to provide assistance to children, young people and parents on how to deal with harmful content, harmful contact and conduct.
Safer Internet Armenia seeks to support a partnership with INHOPE (The International Association of Internet Hotlines) to establish a helpline in Armenia.
Youth participation
We engage different groups of young people from schools and other youth organisations in educational activities. While secondary school children (aged 6 to 15) are regular participants in internet safety awareness-raising events, young people aged 11 to 18 also bring their voluntary contribution: they work with Safer Internet Armenia trainers and teachers for developing educational materials, organising activities in their communities, and media events, as well as raising awareness among peers.
About the organisation
Safer Internet Armenia, Safe.am, is the national project promoting and ensuring a better and safer use of the internet and digital technologies among young people and adults. In the framework of Safer Internet Armenia training programmes, information campaigns, surveys, round tables and media events are organised, and teaching materials are provided to educational institutions. The project is supported by the National Center of Educational Technologies, RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, Yerevan City Municipality, and regional and municipal authorities. The project is run by a consortium of partners coordinated by the Armenian Safer Internet Committee and STEM Society.
Awareness centre
Safer Internet Armenia's programme includes the following awareness-raising activities:
- Training sessions and workshops for school children, parents and teachers.
- Creative competitions (in online safety, fact-checking, and media literacy skills) for teachers, schools and students.
- Development and dissemination of educational resources for teachers, parents and young people.
- Work with media organisations.
The counselling and psycho-social support helplines are in the process of formation. A professional easy-to-access consultation system would help to provide assistance to children, young people and parents on how to deal with harmful content, harmful contact and conduct.
Safer Internet Armenia seeks to support a partnership with INHOPE (The International Association of Internet Hotlines) to establish a helpline in Armenia.
Youth participation
We engage different groups of young people from schools and other youth organisations in educational activities. While secondary school children (aged 6 to 15) are regular participants in internet safety awareness-raising events, young people aged 11 to 18 also bring their voluntary contribution: they work with Safer Internet Armenia trainers and teachers for developing educational materials, organising activities in their communities, and media events, as well as raising awareness among peers.