"Kids & Media" is Sweden's largest statistical survey of children's media habits and attitudes. This survey is carried out every second year and this is the sixth issue of the survey. The survey includes children aged 9-18 years and the findings are presented for three age groups: 9-12, 13-16 and 17-18 year olds.
Some examples of the results:
- From the age of 9, a majority of children in Sweden now have a mobile phone.. Most children, 12 years or older, use it every day and it is the most common daily media activity.
- The tendency to read less books and newspapers has stopped with this year’s survey and reading has increased slightly in all age groups.
- It is more common to see friends every day online than offline.
- Media related conflicts within the family is more often about time consumed than about the content or the children’s choice of activity online.
- Among teenagers, it is common that the mobile is used during the night. The use during night time increases with age. More than 25 % of 17-18 year olds use their phone every night and 60 % once a week. The most common activity online during the nights is watching social media.
About this resource
"Kids & Media" is Sweden's largest statistical survey of children's media habits and attitudes. This survey is carried out every second year and this is the sixth issue of the survey. The survey includes children aged 9-18 years and the findings are presented for three age groups: 9-12, 13-16 and 17-18 year olds.
Some examples of the results:
- From the age of 9, a majority of children in Sweden now have a mobile phone.. Most children, 12 years or older, use it every day and it is the most common daily media activity.
- The tendency to read less books and newspapers has stopped with this year’s survey and reading has increased slightly in all age groups.
- It is more common to see friends every day online than offline.
- Media related conflicts within the family is more often about time consumed than about the content or the children’s choice of activity online.
- Among teenagers, it is common that the mobile is used during the night. The use during night time increases with age. More than 25 % of 17-18 year olds use their phone every night and 60 % once a week. The most common activity online during the nights is watching social media.