An own smartphone is among the most popular items on Christmas gift list of children as early as primary school age. But coping with a smartphone and its many functionalities requires a certain extent of media competencies and experience. After all, safety settings need to be adjusted, apps and their permissions assessed, and understanding of and respect for own and others’ rights concerning data and photos is necessary. For parents, it is not always easy to know if their child is ready to safely and responsibly use a smartphone with mobile internet access. The klicksafe check list “Is my child fit for his/her own smartphone?” aims at supporting parents in this decision. On the list, parents tick off what their child is already capable of. With a majority of ticked items on the list, the more the child is already “fit” for his or her own smartphone. In any case, parents are advised to talk about the remaining items with their child and raise awareness for potential risks.
About this resource
An own smartphone is among the most popular items on Christmas gift list of children as early as primary school age. But coping with a smartphone and its many functionalities requires a certain extent of media competencies and experience. After all, safety settings need to be adjusted, apps and their permissions assessed, and understanding of and respect for own and others’ rights concerning data and photos is necessary. For parents, it is not always easy to know if their child is ready to safely and responsibly use a smartphone with mobile internet access. The klicksafe check list “Is my child fit for his/her own smartphone?” aims at supporting parents in this decision. On the list, parents tick off what their child is already capable of. With a majority of ticked items on the list, the more the child is already “fit” for his or her own smartphone. In any case, parents are advised to talk about the remaining items with their child and raise awareness for potential risks.