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Iceland launched new website for Safer Internet Day 2023

For the 2023 edition of Safer Internet Day, the Safer Internet Centre in Iceland (SAFT) focused on collaboration. SAFT is a part of a new network about media literacy in Iceland with more than 40 other partners, including the Icelandic media commission and the national broadcasting company.
Icelandic flag waving on top of a pole, in front of a green background

A new website about media literacy was launched ( and new educational videos were produced and premiered on the website for schools to show to their students and on the national broadcasting company’s main channel. The videos were well-received by schools and teachers. Many teachers stated they used them to start a conversation about online security and digital citizenship. The videos were especially good as the voices of the children was as important as the voices of the experts. 

In addition to the launch of the website and the video premieres, a media literacy conference was held in Reykjavík, where many experts hosted a talk about the importance of media literacy with regards to the challenges that come with new technologies. The conference was also streamed online for those that were not able to attend in person. 

On Safer Internet Day 2023 itself, a Q&A session for parents was also organised. A few days prior, the Iceland SIC advertised that parents and carers could join them at SAFT, and they would answer their questions on SID 2023. Parents were very interested and sent in question about children’s online safety. The questions were answered on the SAFT Instagram Stories. The questions and answers received many views and the Iceland SIC has been encouraged to do another Q&A session in the coming months. 

Find out more about Safer Internet Day in Iceland. Alternatively, find more information about the work of the Icelandic Safer Internet Centre, including their awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services – or find similar information for other Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe

For the 2023 edition of Safer Internet Day, the Safer Internet Centre in Iceland (SAFT) focused on collaboration. SAFT is a part of a new network about media literacy in Iceland with more than 40 other partners, including the Icelandic media commission and the national broadcasting company.
Icelandic flag waving on top of a pole, in front of a green background

A new website about media literacy was launched ( and new educational videos were produced and premiered on the website for schools to show to their students and on the national broadcasting company’s main channel. The videos were well-received by schools and teachers. Many teachers stated they used them to start a conversation about online security and digital citizenship. The videos were especially good as the voices of the children was as important as the voices of the experts. 

In addition to the launch of the website and the video premieres, a media literacy conference was held in Reykjavík, where many experts hosted a talk about the importance of media literacy with regards to the challenges that come with new technologies. The conference was also streamed online for those that were not able to attend in person. 

On Safer Internet Day 2023 itself, a Q&A session for parents was also organised. A few days prior, the Iceland SIC advertised that parents and carers could join them at SAFT, and they would answer their questions on SID 2023. Parents were very interested and sent in question about children’s online safety. The questions were answered on the SAFT Instagram Stories. The questions and answers received many views and the Iceland SIC has been encouraged to do another Q&A session in the coming months. 

Find out more about Safer Internet Day in Iceland. Alternatively, find more information about the work of the Icelandic Safer Internet Centre, including their awareness raising, helpline, hotline and youth participation services – or find similar information for other Safer Internet Centres throughout Europe