This report published by Embætti landlæknis (Directorate of Health) explores the effects of pornography access and consumption by children and young people in Iceland. The impact on their health and well-being is assessed to provide recommendations to teachers, educators, parents, and children related to measures to protect youth from sexual and gender-based violence. The research demonstrates that access to pornographic material is facilitated in the digital environment, finding that large platforms with pornographic material have high levels of access. It presents data on pornography access distribution by age and gender, in addition to providing an overview of pornography connections with hate speech, working and human rights, and gender roles.
(Source: Report).
This report is one of the actions in a parliamentary resolution on prevention among young people against sexual and gender-based violence and harassment, together with a plan of action for the years 2021-2025. The report provides a secondary analysis of data collected in Iceland for the study "Young people" which was carried out in elementary schools in the spring of 2022 and in secondary schools in the fall of 2021. Both studies asked if the young people had viewed pornography and how often. Various parameters related to health and well-being were examined based on whether and how much the students had viewed porn.
Country or region of researched population
Ingudóttir, J. (2023). Mat á áhrifum af stafrænu aðgengi barna og ungmenna að klámi á heilsu þeirra og líðan. Embætti landlæknis.
Record created:
04 July 2024
This report published by Embætti landlæknis (Directorate of Health) explores the effects of pornography access and consumption by children and young people in Iceland. The impact on their health and well-being is assessed to provide recommendations to teachers, educators, parents, and children related to measures to protect youth from sexual and gender-based violence. The research demonstrates that access to pornographic material is facilitated in the digital environment, finding that large platforms with pornographic material have high levels of access. It presents data on pornography access distribution by age and gender, in addition to providing an overview of pornography connections with hate speech, working and human rights, and gender roles.
(Source: Report).
This report is one of the actions in a parliamentary resolution on prevention among young people against sexual and gender-based violence and harassment, together with a plan of action for the years 2021-2025. The report provides a secondary analysis of data collected in Iceland for the study "Young people" which was carried out in elementary schools in the spring of 2022 and in secondary schools in the fall of 2021. Both studies asked if the young people had viewed pornography and how often. Various parameters related to health and well-being were examined based on whether and how much the students had viewed porn.
Country or region of researched population
Ingudóttir, J. (2023). Mat á áhrifum af stafrænu aðgengi barna og ungmenna að klámi á heilsu þeirra og líðan. Embætti landlæknis.
Record created:
04 July 2024- Related content
- cybersecurity internet for young people media education sexuality