Showing 1 - 2 out of 2 results
Commercial exploitation through addictive design: respecting children’s rights and safeguarding their protection online – a balancing act
The digital age has revolutionised the way children and young people engage with the world, offering unprecedented opportunities for learning, socialisation, and self-expression. Yet, the use of digital technologies can come with a high price to pay, with ‘the endless scroll’ and addictive algorithms on the rise.
The new BIK Knowledge Hub: the European central access point for information, evidence, policy and practice insights
The development of the new BIK Knowledge hub is a strategic initiative to pool all relevant information, research, and evidence, as well as policy and practice insights informing the policies and practices creating a safer and more inclusive digital space for children and young people. We celebrate its launch in October 2024 by taking you on an exclusive tour of the hub, exploring its features, resources, and how it can support policy and practice relevant to the BIK+ ecosystem. Let’s dive in and take a closer look around!