Children and adolescents often act spontaneously by posting something which they later regret, therefore Latvian SIC suggests to use mutual test of 7 questions they can ask themselves before posting photo on social media. Test includes the following questions:
1. Is it a good photo?
2. Do my family, friends or other people who are visible on the photo agree on being posted?
3. Could the photo cause problems to other people?
4. Could the photo cause conflicts for me with others?
5. Am I aware that anyone will see this photo?
6. Would this photo make my grandmother blush?
7. Will I feel good after a year to see this photo online?
Unfortunately, many people become aware of online risks only after experiencing negative consequences of posting too private information on the internet about themselves, their children or family. With this test SIC encourages each internet user to be responsible, think before posting and stay safe on the internet as well as take care about your own digital footprints.
About this resource
Children and adolescents often act spontaneously by posting something which they later regret, therefore Latvian SIC suggests to use mutual test of 7 questions they can ask themselves before posting photo on social media. Test includes the following questions:
1. Is it a good photo?
2. Do my family, friends or other people who are visible on the photo agree on being posted?
3. Could the photo cause problems to other people?
4. Could the photo cause conflicts for me with others?
5. Am I aware that anyone will see this photo?
6. Would this photo make my grandmother blush?
7. Will I feel good after a year to see this photo online?
Unfortunately, many people become aware of online risks only after experiencing negative consequences of posting too private information on the internet about themselves, their children or family. With this test SIC encourages each internet user to be responsible, think before posting and stay safe on the internet as well as take care about your own digital footprints.
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- digital footprints privacy and personal information social media and networking