Young people are intensively concerned with their own image management, with how they are perceived by others. Social networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram in particular, but also messengers such as WhatsApp and Snapchat, provide a stage for this. However, the self-portrayal of young people on the Internet is not always only positive. By emulating seemingly unattainable role models, feelings of inferiority and envy can also arise. Cyber bullying is also not atypical in this context. It is therefore important that young people are accompanied in their self-presentation on the Internet. So that they know what to look out for and which networks and content they can use for themselves and in what way. After all, the most important thing about presenting oneself on the Internet is knowing one's own options and being able to use them specifically for oneself. The main aim of the teaching material is to use its tips and exercises to encourage students to reflect on their own actions and ways of thinking - and thus, if necessary, to break with entrenched stereotypes. The individual chapters show how to express your feelings online, how to consciously present yourself in social networks, and how to protect your privacy.
About this resource
Young people are intensively concerned with their own image management, with how they are perceived by others. Social networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram in particular, but also messengers such as WhatsApp and Snapchat, provide a stage for this. However, the self-portrayal of young people on the Internet is not always only positive. By emulating seemingly unattainable role models, feelings of inferiority and envy can also arise. Cyber bullying is also not atypical in this context. It is therefore important that young people are accompanied in their self-presentation on the Internet. So that they know what to look out for and which networks and content they can use for themselves and in what way. After all, the most important thing about presenting oneself on the Internet is knowing one's own options and being able to use them specifically for oneself. The main aim of the teaching material is to use its tips and exercises to encourage students to reflect on their own actions and ways of thinking - and thus, if necessary, to break with entrenched stereotypes. The individual chapters show how to express your feelings online, how to consciously present yourself in social networks, and how to protect your privacy.