Take a critical look at the image is a course on image analysis for elementary school pupils. This course is based on the work of Rose-Marie-Farinella, an elementary school teacher, specialised in fake news analysis.
This course allows to acquire all the reflexes to decrypt images : source, framing, edit, optical illusion, caption.
The objectives are:
-To learn how to look at an image with a critical eye.
-To learn how to observe an image to contextualise it.
-To understand that an image, by its composition and framing, can influence the message delivered.
-To understand that anyone can manipulate an image with technical means such as editing software.
Update : course is now available in English
About this resource
Take a critical look at the image is a course on image analysis for elementary school pupils. This course is based on the work of Rose-Marie-Farinella, an elementary school teacher, specialised in fake news analysis.
This course allows to acquire all the reflexes to decrypt images : source, framing, edit, optical illusion, caption.
The objectives are:
-To learn how to look at an image with a critical eye.
-To learn how to observe an image to contextualise it.
-To understand that an image, by its composition and framing, can influence the message delivered.
-To understand that anyone can manipulate an image with technical means such as editing software.
Update : course is now available in English
About this resource
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- information literacy online hoaxes