Serge Tisseron, French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, published his book "Grandir avec les écrans - La règle 3-6-9-12" (Growing up with screens - The rule 3-6-9-12) in 2013. This rule, which is still up to date, sets out an approach over a period of almost 10 years (from 3 years to 12 years) that shows how screens can be used positively by families. BEE SECURE summarized it all on a poster.
Serge Tisseron, French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, published his book "Grandir avec les écrans - La règle 3-6-9-12" (Growing up with screens - The rule 3-6-9-12) in 2013. This rule, which is still up to date, sets out an approach over a period of almost 10 years (from 3 years to 12 years) that shows how screens can be used positively by families. BEE SECURE summarized it all on a poster.