The animated series with associated pedagogical material has been designed for children of different age groups. The section on media fears is aimed at very young children, and can be used by an adult to help the child overcome fears caused by the media. The following sections on first phone use and gaming are suitable for school children under 12. The aim is to help children use their own phone correctly and safely, and to implement fair play rules for all and reflect on a well-balanced media use. The fourth part deals with the pressures on young people from social media. Each animation includes a set of pedagogical material to support the discussion of its themes. The material can be used both in early childhood education and schools, but it also supports the media education provided by libraries or at home. The series supports personal media use skills, wellbeing and good interaction.
About this resource
The animated series with associated pedagogical material has been designed for children of different age groups. The section on media fears is aimed at very young children, and can be used by an adult to help the child overcome fears caused by the media. The following sections on first phone use and gaming are suitable for school children under 12. The aim is to help children use their own phone correctly and safely, and to implement fair play rules for all and reflect on a well-balanced media use. The fourth part deals with the pressures on young people from social media. Each animation includes a set of pedagogical material to support the discussion of its themes. The material can be used both in early childhood education and schools, but it also supports the media education provided by libraries or at home. The series supports personal media use skills, wellbeing and good interaction.