Data Detox Kit
Guides, materials and resources by Tactical Tech to engage people in conversation about how to improve their digital lives and how they can take control of their privacy, security, and wellbeing. The Data Detox Kit is a simple, accessible toolkit available in physical and a digital version that walks you through the steps, you can take towards a more in-control online self. It takes a holistic approach, going through the different aspects of your digital life, from the amount of time you spend on your phone to the apps that you use to the passwords you set.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Catalan, Ukrainian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Doom the Gloom interactive game
In this interactive experience by the LEGO Group, children join Captain Safety and his hero squad to defeat the ‘gloom’ which comes from how we treat each other or from meanies and scammers. Through fun videos and minigames, this experience will help build up child’s online safety skills.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: English, Italian, French, Dutch, German, Ukrainian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers.
Doublecheck is a captivating game by Tactical Tech to help you see if you can spot visual dis- and misinformation.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Italian, French, German, Greek, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers.
Lie Detectors
Lie Detectors is an independent media literacy organisation working in various countries in Europe. Lie Detectors runs a programme where trained journalists provide workshops and resources to help students critically analyse media content and identify misleading information. In 2017-2022, Lie Detectors visited 2,350 classrooms, and trained 1,650 teachers (46,900 pupils aged 10 to 15) in 5 countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland).
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: English, French, German.
- Target audience: Children and young people, teachers and educators.
MLCE (Media Literacy Case for Educators)
MLCE – "Media Literacy Case for Educators: Sustainably Scaling Media Literacy in Europe Empowering teachers, educators and librarians across Europe to be innovative, future-fit advocates of Media Literacy", provides teachers, trainers and librarians across Europe with a one-of-a-kind comprehensive set of co-developed and creative tools, resources, methods and materials.
MLCE is co-funded by the European Union project and is coordinated by Tactical Teach, in collaboration with European Schoolnet, International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), Save the Children (Italy).
The project has three objectives: developing effective methods of media literacy training centred on the needs of educators, creating engaging forms of media literacy engagement, and embedding effective media literacy tools and methods in European societal structures. The end result will be the Media Literacy Case for Educators: Creative Tools for Unpacking Media, which will include a Media Literacy Champions Course.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: English, French, German.
- Target audience: Children and young people, teachers and educators.
- Additional notes: MOOC "Empowering educators for the next digital decade"
Media literacy project supported under the EC’s ERASMUS+ Programme that developed innovative learning methods to help young people deal with disinformation. The SMILES team was made up of partners from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain who work in libraries, media literacy organisations and research institutes. The SMILES team has prepared a series of activities, materials and tools about disinformation which allows young people aged 12 to 16 to develop their knowledge and skills in recognising and combating fake news and disinformation. According to the evaluation report, over 40 per cent of the pupils in the three countries enjoyed participating in the series of activities. Around 40-50 per cent of the pupils say they will apply what they have learned in practice.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: English.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
- Additional notes: Read the evaluation report here.
The Glass Room
An interactive exhibition on data and privacy that provides different ways of understanding how technologies and data are changing our lives. The Glass Room is a public intervention by Tactical Tech that provides an interactive, fun, and challenging experience, bringing to life the most pressing challenges facing people and the tech industry today. As technology reaches a global scale and becomes embedded in every part of our lives and our environments, The Glass Room examines its impacts and helps visitors explore practical solutions to mitigate them. The Glass Room is currently available in three formats: the Misinformation Edition explores how social media and the web have changed the way we read information and react to it; the Community Edition is a smaller, more portable version and adaptable format; the Glass Room Plus is a curated exhibition that can be set up at large cultural events in Europe.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: English.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Zero's Quest puzzle game
Zero’s Quest is a narrative puzzle adventure game by the LEGO Group, designed to teach 10 to 12-year-olds the importance of empathy, and how to ‘play well’ online.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
What the future wants
"What The Future Wants" is a creative, playful, youth-focused initiative by Tactical Tech designed to empower young people to shape the digital world they want to live in. Through visually engaging and captivating educational interventions and resources co-created with youth and educators, we foster spaces for conversations about how technology impacts our lives—from the individual to the societal and planetary levels. Moreover, we aim to build educators' capacity to lead initiatives that cultivate a sense of agency among youth in responding to the challenges of growing up in a tech-driven world.
- Country: Multiple.
- Languages: Ukrainian , English, Croatian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Digitaler Kompass
Since 2016, Digitaler Kompass is committed to increasing media literacy in Austria and Europe as a non-profit organisation. To this end, they work at the interface of pedagogy, scientific research and journalism within and outside the education system. One focus of their work is to provide further education, particularly to economically and socially disadvantaged young people. They offer workshops, e-learning materials and webinars for schools and educational organisations.
- Country: Austria.
- Languages: German.
- Target audience: Children and young people, teachers and educators.
Fakt oder Fake? - Fact or fake?
Published on the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2023, this brochure by is intended to help internet users to expose fake news for what it is. The ISPA brochure explains how fake news works and how it tries to attract readers' attention, for example, by using keywords such as "shocking" and "scandal", time references that make it seem current such as "yesterday" or "last Wednesday", or alleged sources such as "a former employee". In short and compact tips, ISPA shows ways in which users can question the accuracy of online reports. For example, the question of whether images have been taken out of context or older images have been reused can be quickly resolved using reverse image search. Image metadata can also be queried, which provides information about the origin and time of capture of an image. So-called "hoax" databases document and expose fake news; a look at one of these can reveal a report as a recycled fake news story, for example.
- Country: Austria.
- Languages: German.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, Teachers and educators
Media literacy award
This award is currently being relaunched and information about it will be published here successively. Projects from previous years are available.
- Country: Austria.
- Languages: German.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers.
Scavenger hunt on fake news
Target group: 10 to 14 year olds
Topic: Fake news
Duration: one lesson (approx. 45 minutes)
Prerequisite: Computer or tablet/computer room, paper and pens for notes
Subject: suitable for any subject
Cost: free
Learning objective: Recognising false information on the Iinternet, source criticism, research & information literacy.
- Country: Austria.
- Languages: German.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Trollwerkstatt - Conspiracy myth generator
Created by the Wiener Bildungsserver, the conspiracy myth generator allows you to select two topics, and a villain, and it will generate a conspiracy myth combining the three. You will be surprised to see how close some of these randomly-generated conspiracies are to actual conspiracy theories out there!
- Country: Austria.
- Languages: German.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Wahr oder falsch im Internet? - True or false on the internet?
The teaching material “True or false on the Internet? Information literacy in the digital world” by the Austrian Safer Internet Centre supports teachers in teaching these important skills in class.
- Country: Austria.
- Languages: German.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
Training programme. A Media Coach is a contact point, someone trained and who can instruct an audience on media literacy, conduct workshops, lessons, and so on. In addition to MediaCoach in Belgium, countries like Sweden have similar initiatives focused on training educators to become media coaches. These coaches then integrate media literacy education into their work with students to develop critical media analysis skills.
- Country: Belgium.
- Languages: Dutch, French, English
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
- Additional notes: Mediacoach video series
Nieuws in de Klas - News in the classroom
Belgian educational initiative of Mediawijs, Vlaamse Nieuwsmedia, WeMedia, Media.21, VRT NWS and MeeMoo, with the support of the Flemish Government. It is aimed at pupils from the third grade of primary education, and focuses on news and information literacy. The initiative helps teachers to integrate news and current affairs into their lessons through a wide range of news media and teaching materials, and encourages children and young people to deal with news not just critically and consciously, but also actively and creatively.
- Country: Belgium.
- Languages: Dutch.
- Target audience: Children and young people, teachers and educators.
Cyber security month in Croatia
In November, a conference is organised as well as various promotional activities, increased media engagement and announcements on social networks of SIC Croatia.
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, Parents and caregivers, Teachers and educators.
Everything you need to know about video games
Everything You Need to Know About Video Games" is an educational resource designed to help parents and professionals understand the impact of video games on children and promote safe online behaviour. By providing clear and concise information, this publication empowers parents to make informed decisions about their children's gaming habits. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the world of video games, covering a wide range of topics, from the different genres and motivations for playing to the potential positive and negative impacts. It addresses important issues such as deviant behaviour, gaming disorder, and the role of adults in setting boundaries within gaming.
The publication offers practical guidance on topics like PEGI ratings, esports, and sexual abuse in online games, empowering adults to have informed conversations with children about their gaming habits, as well as providing them with guidelines for discussion. Ultimately, this publication aims to provide a valuable resource for parents and professionals, enabling them to support children in enjoying video games responsibly and harnessing their potential benefits.
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian, English.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, Teachers and educators
FICE 35 - Split conference
“SHAPING TOMORROW'S CARE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH: Quality and innovation in alternative care”
The conference will be a hybrid event with the possibility to participate in a number of online sessions remotely. FICE International (Fédération Internationale des Communautés Educatives) is a global network of organisations and professionals in the field of child and youth care and out-of-home care from more than 45 countries. FICE maintains contacts with UNESCO, UNICEF, the Council of Europe and ECOSOC. It is also a member of the UN-NGO-Group on the Rights of the Child and member of ENSACT.
The first Fice international scientific world congress was organized in 1948 in Trogen, Switzerland and has so far passed through almost all European countries, but this is the first time that it will be organised in Croatia.
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian, English.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
Gen Z Academy
After the end of the first 'season' of the Gen Z Academy powered by A1, an educational and entertaining project that launched in cooperation with the Centre for a Safer Internet and A1 Croatia, the second one is on the way!
In the first year of the Gen Z Academy, ten schools were visited all over Croatia, talked and advised and answered the questions of more than 500 school children in those same schools, with the same goal - to bring the first Gen Z Academy to as many young people as possible who need it the most! Workshops were held on social networks and the blog, and all posts reached more than 3,120,000 people in total.
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
- Additional notes: the exact dates and schedule for the school are being worked out.
Lectures "The role of teachers and educators in the growth of children in the digital age"
Lectures are being carried out in dozens of schools across Croatia. The exact dates and schedule for the school are being worked out.
The topics of the lectures are:
1. The first screens (preschoolers)
2. Screens and risks (preschoolers)
3. Online challenges
4. Problematic screen use (primary and secondary school)
5. Snapchat
6. The influence of social media on mental health
7. Peer violence
8. Sexting and sextortion
9. Video games
10. Hate speech
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, teachers and educators.
Podcast CSI Hrvatska and #BoljiOnline
Monthly podcasts published on the Croatian Safer Internet Centre YouTube channel, created in cooperation with A1 Hrvatska (partner).
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Safety of children and young people on the internet - five free webinars on the occasion of the beginning of the school year
The webinars were developed with the support from the Justice Initiative. The webinars are running through September 2024, every Monday - a total of five webinars.
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
School for responsible influencing
Digital platform with online lectures followed by a knowledge test. It is intended for content creators but also for everyone else interested in the topic of child protection on the Internet and media literacy. The goal of this online school is to make influencers and content creators aware of the importance of responsible behaviour in the online world, to raise awareness of the importance of recognising and reporting inappropriate content on the internet, as well as how to report it, and to recognise the importance of creating positive online content and creating a positive impact.
It is intended for influencers and content creators who are followed by the population of children and young people, but also for all those who are willing to hear and learn something new and be part of change and #responsibleinfluencing.
The School of Responsible Influencing is a digital platform through which registered participants will have the opportunity to listen to six educational modules on the topic of internet security, and each module is followed by a knowledge check made up of 5-10 questions related to the module listened to.
- Country: Croatia.
- Languages: Croatian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Charles University in partnership with Google
Charles University, as the main coordinator of CEDMO (Central European Digital Media Observatory, covering Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia) announced a long-term partnership with Google to expand research on information disruption and the impact of AI applications in the digital media ecosystem, as well as to strengthen media and digital skills in the region. Google also promised to support Ukraine media literacy’s effort including fact-checking efforts in the region.
- Country: Czech Republic.
- Languages: Czech, English, Polish, Slovak.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
A group of students from Masaryk University developed several escape room games that aims to help its players identify fake news and develop media literacy and critical thinking in a fun environment. Each game is targeted at different groups, including adults.
- Country: Czech Republic, Slovakia.
- Languages: Czech, English, Slovak.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers.
Faketicky provides workshops for primary and secondary schools in the field of media education, critical thinking, social networks and cyberbullying. Professional training for teachers on the topic of media education and its application in teaching. Interactive workshops on critical thinking, media literacy and social networks for all ages. The possibility of great flexibility within the topics discussed. In cooperation with the Václav Havel Library, we organize debates for the general public on various social topics. We look forward to seeing you at the next debate - follow our social media for more information.
- Country: Czech Republic.
- Languages: Czech.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
Instagram profile @no_net_drama
communication channel on cybersecurity and media literacy specifically for GenZ on Instagram.
- Country: Czech Republic.
- Languages: Czech.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Media Literacy Weeks in the Czech Republic
Media Literacy Weeks is an annual event organised by the One World in Schools department (JSNS) of People in Need; JSNS is part of the Safer Internet Centre in the Czech Republic. The aim of this event is to develop media literacy and strengthen the critical thinking skills of primary and secondary school pupils and students across the Czech Republic. two weeks packed with a media education fair, debates for students with journalists, teacher and public education events, library engagement and a public communication campaign
Last year, during May and June, Media Literacy Weeks took place for the seventh time and involved over 150 Czech schools in 84 cities, together counting more than 4,000 pupils and students. Activities included 67 debates at schools, 18 excursions to media houses, 17 demonstration lessons, project days at secondary vocational schools, and apprenticeships.
- Country: Czech Republic.
- Languages: Czech.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
O2 Chytrá škola - O2 Smart School
The grant program offers a support mainly for schools, focusing on teaching digital, computer and media literacy and internet safety, with a portal offering a wide range of resources for teaching media literacy.
- Country: Czech Republic.
- Languages: Czech.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
One World in Schools (JSNS.CZ)
One World in Schools (JSNS.CZ) (SIC CZ) provides educational programmes, seminars, webinars, conferences for teachers and other educators, librarians.
- Country: Czech Republic.
- Languages: Czech, English.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
ON- vi taler om skærm’ (ON- together were talking about screens’)
The project is currently in development, but the website is already available, and it gathers all free educational material about every thing digital in a Danish context , and the seven principles for media literacy. The project is funded by the Ministry for Children and Education, and is funded until the summer of 2026. The partnership in ON consists of: Center for Digital Youth Care (helpline in SIC DK), Save the Children Denmark (hotline in SIC DK), The Media Council for Children and young People (Awareness centre and coordinator) and Children’s Welfare (which is a Danish Child’s rights organisation).
- Country: Denmark.
- Languages: Danish.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators. The target audience is wide from 6-25 years old, secondary the professionals working with them, and parents as well.
- Additional notes: Link for education material collection.
Media Literacy School
Media Literacy School is an online platform hosted by the National Audiovisual Institute, which offers researched information and free educational resources produced by Finnish media education organizations to support the work of media educators. We welcome all our partner organisations to upload their media education resources to the portal, so media educators in schools, youth work, libraries etc. can utilise them is their daily work.
- Country: Finland.
- Languages: Finnish, English, Swedish.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
Media Literacy Week (MLW) in Finland
National Media Literacy Week (MLW) is the main awareness raising action of the Finnish Safer Internet Centre. They run Media Literacy Week each year in connection with Safer Internet Day, so around February. The National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI) is coordinating MLW, but all the resources are build together with about 50 partner organisations (NGOs and other organisations, authorities, main libraries, projects, universities…). The resources are new or updated materials, events and communication. Each partner organisation focus on media literacy from the point of view that they see important for their target group. We also have a common theme each year, in 2025 it will be sustainability and ecology.
In addition to partner organisations we invite media literacy educators to participate the theme week and make use of the published materials with children, young people and adults. Media literacy educators are teachers, early child hood educators, adult educators, librarians, youth workers, professionals working in museums… Each year about 2000 media literacy professionals take part for the week.
Together, the Finnish SIC (KAVI, The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare and Save the Children Finland)organises a webinar for parents and open up current media literacy topis from parents point of view.
- Country: Finnish.
- Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Fake news: Learning to decipher info online
Turnkey workshop sheet by the French Safer Internet Centre for running an information decoding workshop in middle school
- Country: France.
- Languages: French.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers.
Info Hunter
Create and host Media and Information Literacy sessions using turnkey courses. Find quizzes and interactive images to help you understand everything about information. Made by the French Safer Internet Centre.
- Country: France.
- Languages: French, English.
- Target audience: Children and young people, teachers and educators.
Vinz et Lou - Attention hoax
Vinz receives an alarming email: a meteorite is going to hit the earth! To escape, he must relay this email to 10 people. Panicked, he prepares for the end of the world, under the mocking gaze of Lou.
Topics covered: veracity of online information, hoaxes, unwanted messages, spam, verification of sources (false information).
- Country: France.
- Languages: French, English, Spanish.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Vinz et Lou - Familles Connectées Testez-Vous
A game by the French Safer Internet Centre to decipher information and sort out truth from falsehood on the internet. General objectives: adopt responsible behaviour, show discernment and develop critical thinking.
- Country: France.
- Languages: French.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers.
Vinz et Lou - Internet: True or False
A game by the French Safer Internet Centre to teach the family how to properly search for and verify information on the internet.
- Country: France.
- Languages: French.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers.
Vinz et Lou - Not everything is always true on the internet
Vinz and Bob have to give a presentation on underwater fauna. Bob suggests going to the aquarium to find information. Vinz, on the other hand, prefers to go on the Internet. What will be the result of his research? Will Vinz find correct information?
- Country: France.
- Languages: French, English, Spanish.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Quiz: Misinformation
Which sources and websites are trustworthy? How can you check a video and identify internet traps?
Test your knowledge with this quiz! This quiz on misinformation, tailored for middle and high school students, is designed to assess their understanding of online misinformation and their ability to identify and combat it. Created by the Greek Safer Internet Centre.
- Country: Greece.
- Languages: Greek.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Series of posters by the Greek Safer Internet Centre
Reliable source, Spreading lies, and Fake news.
Series of posters for teens developed by the Greek Safer Internet Centre.
- Country: Greece.
- Languages: Greek.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
The Greek Youth Panel gives advice on misinformation online
In this informative video, created by the Youth Panel of the Greek Safer Internet Centre, young individuals delve into the critical issue of online misinformation. The video educates viewers on how to identify, understand, and combat the spread of false information on the internet.
- Country: Greece.
- Languages: Greek.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Be Media Smart campaign
The Be Media Smart campaign by Media Literacy Ireland (MLI) is designed to encourage people to Stop, Think and Check that the information that they are getting, from whatever source, is accurate and reliable.
Across October and November 2023, the Stop, Think, Check message was delivered across all media in Ireland, and there will be opportunities to learn more about how to recognise accurate and reliable information via our community training programme.
- Country: Ireland.
- Languages: English, Irish.
- Target audience: Children and young people, Parents and caregivers, Teachers and educators.
Connected – An introduction to digital media literacy
Connected has been specifically designed by Webwise for teachers of the Junior Cycle Digital Media Literacy Short Course who wish to explore online wellbeing, news, information and problems of false information, big data and the data economy, and online rights. Connected aims to empower young people to be effective, autonomous and safe users of technology and online media.
- Country: Ireland.
- Languages: English, Irish.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
HTML Heroes
HTML Heroes aims to teach pupils the importance of digital citizenship and online safety with the help of the HTML Heroes. A range of lessons explore themes such as being safe online, finding reliable information, privacy, chatting, playing and learning online.
- Country: Ireland.
- Languages: English, Irish.
- Target audience: Children and young people, Teachers and educators
Media Literacy Ireland (MLI)
Media Literacy Ireland (MLI) is an informal alliance of individuals and organisations who work together on a mainly voluntary basis to promote media literacy in Ireland. Facilitated by Coimisiún na Meán, MLI has over 250 members drawn from a broad range of sectors.
The vision is for all Irish people to be empowered with the skills and confidence to be able to access and critically evaluate content and services across all platforms, understand and question how media and digital technology operate, identify and manage risks, and participate in the public sphere in a responsible, ethical and effective manner.
- Country: Ireland.
- Languages: English, Irish.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Young Journalist Ireland
Young Journalist Ireland (the new name for what was ‘Press Pass’) is a Student Journalism and News Literacy programme for Transition Year students run by NewsBrands Ireland, the industry body for Ireland’s national news publishers.
Our free school programme gives students the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the media, how it works and who to trust by learning to do journalism themselves. Research shows that if a student knows how good journalism is made, then they are better equipped to interrogate the information that bombards them daily.
Since the programme launched in 2012, approximately 130,000 students have benefited from it. With the full support of the Department of Education, the Young Journalist Ireland programme seeks to improve news literacy and critical thinking skills while helping students to develop a deeper understanding of news media and how it communicates about the world around them.
- Country: Ireland.
- Languages: English, Irish.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Open the Box
In 2020, the company Dataninja launched Open the Box in the midst of the pandemic as an innovative media, data and AI (artificial intelligence) literacy project, targeting teachers and educators to spread digital skills among 11-18-year-old students in Italy (Cf. Article in MLA Newsletter, Open the Box empowering a new generation of Italian teachers). Over the period 2020-2023, Open the Box reached 5,000 teachers, involved 30,000 students and completed 900 workshops. During the targeting phase, 250,000 teachers were reached with the digital campaigns which led to 5,000 signups for the free resources of the Open the Box platform. 2,500 teachers actively engaged in workshops, learning cafés or by providing articles for the project newsletter, of which 1,500 completed courses.
- Country: Italy.
- Languages: Italian, English.
- Target audience: Children and young people, teachers and educators.
Board games to strengthen children’s digital and media literacy skills
The Latvian Safer Internet Centre has developed educational games to strengthen media literacy and digital literacy among children and young people. The kit consists of six games and each of them focuses on a different aspect of media literacy and digital literacy offering 30 cards with images,30 cards with texts, game descriptions, questions, exercises etc. The titles and topics are the following:
1. Observe, analyse and act!
2. Play and think critically!
3. Read, understand and comment!
4. Know, don't guess!
5. Speak the language of technology!
6. Be safe online!
- Country: Latvia.
- Languages: Latvian.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Campaign and video series "You are what you are doing on the internet"
Videos aim to raise awareness among children and youngsters how their online activities can influence them. To encourage young people to think about their online behaviour on social media and how it can affect their life now and in the future six short videos where created by Latvian SIC together with the involvement of representatives of the Youth Panel, talented copywriter Reinis Piziks and popular Latvian influencers @niklavs Niklavs and @edgarfrsh EdgarFresh (their online names).
The following videos were developed:
1. Be balanced.
2. Respect others online.
3. We are prettier, smarter, more muscular and braver on the Internet.
4. Everything you do may come back to you.
5. Don't be too overwhelmed with using internet, no one has ever got to the bottom of the internet.
6. You can hide from the world being online, but you can also hide from the internet in the real world.
- Country: Latvia.
- Languages: Latvian.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Digital skills workbook "I'm at a digital level!"
The workbook by the Latvian Safer Internet Centre is for children aged 10 to 15 and aims at strengthening media literacy and enhancing digital competence and also children’s ability to effectively use digital technologies and communication tools to find, evaluate, use, and create information.
This workbook is a valuable resource for schools, encouraging students to take steps towards improving their media literacy and digital skills. It contains engaging tasks and exercises that can be integrated into various school subjects, providing flexibility for educators to integrate into their school lessons and different subjects, enriching the learning experience across the curriculum.
- Country: Latvia.
- Languages: Latvian.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
Educational videos "Vaifijs Internet Alphabet"
Is it enough to know the Latvian or English alphabet? No, because nowadays everyone needs to know the Internet alphabet! What's special about it? Find out by watching the short films "Vaifijs Internet Alphabet", in which a mascot boy Vaifijs who lives on the Internet, teaches children the most important words that every Internet user should know.
The short videos can be used in primary school to teach topics such as safety and good behaviour on the Internet, meaningful use of technology, critical thinking and working with information.
The material is conveniently structured - each alphabet letter is dedicated to explanation of one word related to the internet usage, it highlights the most important information on each topic, and the varied content is developed in a way that is engaging and understandable for children.
Children learn the meaning of different words related to the use of internet, for instance, algorithm, bits and bytes, hard disk, password, joking, safety, chatting, homepage, stranger, advertisement, technologies, information, emoticons, photos, online etc.
- Country: Latvia.
- Languages: Latvian.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
ALL DIGITAL Weeks in Lithuania
The ALL DIGITAL Weeks campaign is one of the major pan-European awareness raising campaigns on digital skills for inclusion, empowerment and employment. It is organised by ALL DIGITAL Network, and it has been running since 2010. Since then, the campaign has helped almost 1,5 million people to get online for the first time, or to improve their digital skills. In Lithuania, it organised under the coordination of the association Langas į ateitį.
- Country: Lithuania.
- Languages: Lithuanian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, Parents and caregivers, Teachers and educators.
- Additional notes: Read more about the latest edition.
Association “Langas į ateitį” (“Window to the Future”) summarised its more than 10 years of experience, results and best practices of basic ICT skills training by developing the website (“Lithuania’s e-Citizen”).
This website is in Lithuanian as it is aimed at Lithuanian citizens who want to improve their ICT skills and learn how to use public and private e-services. The learning material content presentation is designed for those who need encouragement and help in acquiring ICT skills: most relevant public and private e-services are presented in a simple way, along with useful links, helpful tips, learning material as well as tests for knowledge evaluation.
- Country: Lithuania.
- Languages: Lithuanian.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
BEE SECURE trainings for schools
BEE SECURE offers training for children and young people on online safety, digital literacy, and responsible internet use. These sessions are available for primary (from age 8+) and secondary school classes.
- Country: Luxembourg.
- Languages: German, French, English, Luxembourgish.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
BEE SECURE trainings for parents
The cybersecurity awareness campaign aims to make individuals more aware of the increasing and sophisticated online risks. By providing practical advice and engaging content, it helps people better protect their devices and personal data.
- Country: Luxembourg.
- Languages: Luxembourgish, English, French, German.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
BEE SECURE trainings for teachers on cybersecurity
The training "Cybersecurity Essentials" provides teachers and educators with essential knowledge about internet security, preparing them to tackle specific challenges they may encounter in their daily personal or professional lives.
- Country: Luxembourg.
- Languages: Luxembourgish.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
"Digital Brainiacs" game
A board game for educators, parents, youth (14+). Game helps to discover the world of media education and check if players can recognise fake content on the internet, spot disinformation and protect themselfs from cyber attacks. Game can be used both at home and in the classroom. It is excellent educational fun for young people, students, teachers and parents.
- Country: Poland.
- Languages: Polish, Latvian, Romanian, Ukrainian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
"Make It Clear: On Effective Media Education" conference
Conference was held on 28 May 2024. The event was organised in a hybrid format and gathered nearly 1,000 participants. It was conducted in Polish, English, and Polish Sign Language. The conference was primarily aimed at teachers and educators seeking effective methods to work with youth in the field of media education. The event's goal was to present the challenges related to media education and ways to effectively overcome them, providing tools and inspiration for daily teaching practice to promote the ability to analyze and evaluate information. Modern approaches to educating children and youth about understanding and filtering information were also discussed.
- Country: Poland.
- Languages: Polish, Latvian, Romanian, English.
- Target audience: Teachers and educators.
Make It Clear webinars
Webinars for students of primary schools (11-13) and secondary schools (14-17). How do you recognise disinformation? What techniques do disinformationists use? What role does critical thinking play in countering harmful content? We will look for answers to these questions in webinars for primary and secondary school students! The webinars will be recorded and made available on the ‘Make it clear’ project website.
- Country: Poland.
- Languages: Polish.
- Target audience: Children and young people (students of primary schools (11-13) and secondary schools (14-17)), teachers and educators.
Podcast: There are no stupid questions
Safely introducing children to the online world is the role of parents, carers and teachers. But are they sufficiently aware of what is happening online? What tools can they use to inspire children and young people to use the internet in a worthwhile way and protect them from potential dangers? This is what can be found out in the podcast ‘There are no stupid questions’ of VOX FM radio, whose guest was Anna Rywczyńska, an expert from NASK.
- Country: Poland.
- Languages: Polish.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
MOOC's on the safer internet use
Since 2014 the SIC consortium member ARNES provides (twice a year) massive online open course (MOOC) about the safe use of the internet and digital devices for teachers, pedagogical faculties students, parents and general public. In two national projects “Dvig digitalne kompetentnosti” and “Digitrajni učitelj” ARNES runs special editions of this course targeting teachers in schools involved in the two projects. Following the years of experience with a MOOC about the safe use of the internet and digital devices for teaches, pedagogical faculties students and parents in 2019, ARNES performed further massive online open course (MOOC) about the safe use of the internet and digital devices, called "MOST-VO", for pupils of second and third levels of elementary schools. The MOOC is a complementary tool for teachers and other educators who can use it in their activities. The course covers a very wide range of online safety-related topics, adopting a child-friendly perspective, including key measures such as recognising fraud online and checking the validity of the published content, cyberbullying, screentime management, and so on.
- Country: Slovenia.
- Languages: Slovenian.
- Target audience: Children and young people, parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Online show for parents on sharenting
This webinar was carried out for the purposes of Sharenting 2023 campaign in Slovenia. In this one-hour online webinar, Phd Benjamin Lesjak, legal advisor and lecturer in seminars for parents and teachers, discussed the problems of posting photos, videos and other information about children on the internet, especially on social media. He presented the issues from a legal, child and parental perspective and explained what can be shared, what types of posts can harm a child and in what way, and what should not be shared. Over 600 participants registered for the webinar. The live webinar was attended by 160 people, while the others watched the recording.
- Country: Slovenia.
- Languages: Slovenian.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers.
Online show for teenagers on frauds and lies on the internet
On March 23, 2022, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Slovenian awareness centre conducted two 45-minute online interactive shows on the topic of misinformation and deception encountered by teenagers on the internet. Due to the fact that practically anyone can post anything on the internet, we often face the question of whether we can trust a source and believe a certain piece of information. Based on voting through the Mentimeter service, we estimate that both live performances were attended by more than 6,200 participants, and the recordings have accumulated over 4,800 views.
- Country: Slovenia.
- Languages: Slovenian.
- Target audience: Children and young people aged 9 to 15.
Online talk show for young people on the issue of inappropriate online content
As part of SID 2023 celebrations in Slovenia we organised a one-hour live online talk show for young people on the issue of inappropriate online content and its impact on teenagers. The first part of the show focused on the issue of online influencers who spread problematic beliefs, while the second part of the conversation focused on online pornography and the messages it conveys and the impact on children and adolescents.
- Country: Slovenia.
- Languages: Slovenian.
- Target audience: Children and young people.
The Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) launched eduCAC in 2018; a media literacy programme that offers primary and secondary schools and families educational resources to use audiovisual content critically and responsibly. The project is supported by the Catalan Regional Ministry of Education, the Catalan Society of Journalists, the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation (CCMA) and the "la Caixa" bank foundation. It aims to encourage critical analysis of content viewed on any type of screen and sensible device use, particularly among minors.
- Country: Spain.
- Languages: Catalan.
- Target audience: Parents and caregivers, teachers and educators.
Be MediaSmartOnline: guide to media literacy initiatives in Europe
Based on the extensive and resourceful materials collected in the mapping exercise of the EU media literacy landscape, and on the consultation of the network of Safer Internet Centres all across Europe, this guide collects together the many media literacy programmes, actions, trainings, campaigns and other initiatives currently available across Europe. Currently, it features over 120 entries!