"Young Ireland is the new policy framework for children and young people aged 0-24. It covers the period from 2023-2028, and envisages an Ireland in which all children and young people can fully access their rights. It is focused on tackling the biggest challenges that affect children and young people in Ireland today, and setting up robust structures so children’s rights are foremost whenever we make decisions affecting the lives of children and young people.
(Source: https://www.gov.ie/).
Entities responsible for implementation: Government of Ireland, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

"Young Ireland is the new policy framework for children and young people aged 0-24. It covers the period from 2023-2028, and envisages an Ireland in which all children and young people can fully access their rights. It is focused on tackling the biggest challenges that affect children and young people in Ireland today, and setting up robust structures so children’s rights are foremost whenever we make decisions affecting the lives of children and young people.
(Source: https://www.gov.ie/).
Entities responsible for implementation: Government of Ireland, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
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