"The so-called SREN law to better regulate the digital space and protect Internet users, particularly the youngest, as well as businesses. The law is inspired in particular by the recommendations of three parliamentary reports on the pornography industry and on digital sovereignty . It also results from the European regulations on digital services (DSA) and on digital markets (DMA).
It was amended by Parliament, which took into account, during the joint committee, the two detailed opinions sent by the European Commission to the government requesting that the text be brought into line with European law.
The law entrusts the Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority (Arcom) with the task of establishing a benchmark setting the minimum technical requirements that age verification systems on pornographic sites must comply with , under penalty of heavy fines. No pornographic content may be displayed on the site's screen until the user's age has been verified. This benchmark must be published by the end of July 2024 and pornographic sites will have three months to comply with it.
Arcom may also, after formal notice, order, under the a posteriori control of the administrative judge who must rule quickly:
- blocking pornographic sites that do not check the age of their users;
- their delisting from search engines within 48 hours.
(Source: https://www.vie-publique.fr/).
Entities responsible for the implementation: Government of France.

"The so-called SREN law to better regulate the digital space and protect Internet users, particularly the youngest, as well as businesses. The law is inspired in particular by the recommendations of three parliamentary reports on the pornography industry and on digital sovereignty . It also results from the European regulations on digital services (DSA) and on digital markets (DMA).
It was amended by Parliament, which took into account, during the joint committee, the two detailed opinions sent by the European Commission to the government requesting that the text be brought into line with European law.
The law entrusts the Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority (Arcom) with the task of establishing a benchmark setting the minimum technical requirements that age verification systems on pornographic sites must comply with , under penalty of heavy fines. No pornographic content may be displayed on the site's screen until the user's age has been verified. This benchmark must be published by the end of July 2024 and pornographic sites will have three months to comply with it.
Arcom may also, after formal notice, order, under the a posteriori control of the administrative judge who must rule quickly:
- blocking pornographic sites that do not check the age of their users;
- their delisting from search engines within 48 hours.
(Source: https://www.vie-publique.fr/).
Entities responsible for the implementation: Government of France.
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