Commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, together with Waag technology & society, the Centre for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) of Leiden University has produced the code after consulting with children, designers, tech developers and other experts. The Code for Children's Rights enshrines ten principles to guide developers and designers when developing digital services for children. The code builds on laws and regulations to ensure that the design process prioritises the best interests of the child, transparency and privacy. This code is primarily aimed at companies, governments, organisations and self-employed persons who design and develop digital services. Designers and developers are given concrete tools to comply with the rights of children when designing and developing services.
Entities responsible for implementation: Ministry ofthe Interior and Kingdom Relations / Ministerie van BZK

Commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, together with Waag technology & society, the Centre for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) of Leiden University has produced the code after consulting with children, designers, tech developers and other experts. The Code for Children's Rights enshrines ten principles to guide developers and designers when developing digital services for children. The code builds on laws and regulations to ensure that the design process prioritises the best interests of the child, transparency and privacy. This code is primarily aimed at companies, governments, organisations and self-employed persons who design and develop digital services. Designers and developers are given concrete tools to comply with the rights of children when designing and developing services.
Entities responsible for implementation: Ministry ofthe Interior and Kingdom Relations / Ministerie van BZK
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