About our SID activities
Manipulative deepfakes and extreme hate messages flood the social networks where children and young people spend many hours every day. For Safer Internet Day 2025, the German Awareness Centre klicksafe, together with numerous campaign partners, is offering a wide range of media literacy services to protect and educate young people.
With the campaign, 'No likes for lies! Recognise extremism, populism and deepfakes online’ and a comprehensive media literacy campaign, klicksafe is focusing on the protection, education and empowerment of young people for this year's Safer Internet Day on 11 February.
To mark Safer Internet Day, klicksafe and the partners of the German Safer Internet Centre are offering a wide range of information and materials for teachers, parents and young people. Workshops and a panel discussion with pupils, experts, influencers and politicians will take place as part of a specialist and press event on 11 February in Berlin. Another highlight is the digital school lesson on Safer Internet Day under the motto ‘No likes for lies!’ ("Keine Likes für Lügen!"), for which all schools nationwide can register and participate online.
Safer Internet Day thrives on its diverse events and campaigns. klicksafe is therefore calling on institutions, foundations, companies, schools, youth organisations, educational establishments, associations and private individuals throughout Germany to take part in Safer Internet Day with their own contributions and projects - together for a better and safer internet to protect children and young people. For the first time, events and activities can be organised throughout the month of February under the Safer Internet Day campaign.
Organisers can register their events and campaigns at www.klicksafe.de/sid. All registered events are then visible and advertised on the nationwide and interactive event map. Those who do not organise events themselves but would like to take part in events will also find what they are looking for on the map. Over 250 campaign participants have already registered their events. Many of them can be attended online.
Posters, stickers, a profile picture generator and sharepics are available for download to raise awareness of Safer Internet Day and the ‘No likes for lies!’ campaign. If you are looking for information or would like to join in the discussion, you will find many interesting posts and discussions on social networks under the hashtags #SID2025, #SID25, #KeineLikesfürLügen.
What we are doing to create a better internet...
On 11 February 2025 from 10.00 to 11.30 a.m., klicksafe invites all schools nationwide with pupils in grades 8 to 10 to a digital school lesson. Pupils will learn about the online strategies of right-wing extremist actors and experience the impact of disinformation on individuals and society in an activating and practical way. Experts in media education and youth media protection from klicksafe and jugendschutz.net provide young people with up-to-date knowledge and important background information. Current case studies encourage the pupils to reflect. Interactive live polls and the opportunity to ask questions in advance or via moderated chat ensure that participants are actively involved in the event. In addition, all participants are challenged themselves in two group work phases and develop digital moral courage to deal confidently with anti-democratic information online. This creates a varied learning process that strengthens knowledge and action skills in equal measure. The digital school lesson will be recorded at Media:TURM Ludwigshafen but schools all over Germany are able to register and take part.
Additionally, klicksafe will be at the Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium in Berlin on 11 February for a special press event with activities, workshops and a panel discussion on the topic of ‘No likes for lies!’. Lisa Paus, Member of the German Bundestag and Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; Theresa Lehmann, political advisor at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation; pupils from Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium; Deborah Woldemichael, head of the EU initiative klicksafe at the Rhineland-Palatinate Media Authority; Martin Drechsler, Managing Director of the FSM and Gizem Çelik, content creator, speaker and funk presenter. The event will be moderated by Polo Türk, Fritz-Radio/ebb and a member of the board of Neue Deutsche Medienmacher*innen.
klicksafe also offers extensive new materials for educational professionals, young people, parents and families on the main topic of Safer Internet Day. The teaching material ‘Rechts.Extrem.Online.’ is now available for download, which offers well-founded factual information and pedagogically prepared teaching units. An informative action-bound message for young people entitled ‘#cleanyournetwork’ will be available for educational practice in and outside of school. The educational programme is accompanied by a brochure for parents and families with lots of practical tips and valuable information on dealing with right-wing extremism online. In addition, klicksafe will provide information cards and expert talks on the topic in the coming weeks.
About us
As part of the Insafe network, the German Awareness Centre klicksafe has been coordinating Safer Internet Day in Germany since 2004. Hundreds of activities and events are registered and then published on the website www.klicksafe.de/sid and thus gain visibility and public awareness. In addition, klicksafe offers various print and digital media free of charge to support and advertise the activities.
About our SID activities
Manipulative deepfakes and extreme hate messages flood the social networks where children and young people spend many hours every day. For Safer Internet Day 2025, the German Awareness Centre klicksafe, together with numerous campaign partners, is offering a wide range of media literacy services to protect and educate young people.
With the campaign, 'No likes for lies! Recognise extremism, populism and deepfakes online’ and a comprehensive media literacy campaign, klicksafe is focusing on the protection, education and empowerment of young people for this year's Safer Internet Day on 11 February.
To mark Safer Internet Day, klicksafe and the partners of the German Safer Internet Centre are offering a wide range of information and materials for teachers, parents and young people. Workshops and a panel discussion with pupils, experts, influencers and politicians will take place as part of a specialist and press event on 11 February in Berlin. Another highlight is the digital school lesson on Safer Internet Day under the motto ‘No likes for lies!’ ("Keine Likes für Lügen!"), for which all schools nationwide can register and participate online.
Safer Internet Day thrives on its diverse events and campaigns. klicksafe is therefore calling on institutions, foundations, companies, schools, youth organisations, educational establishments, associations and private individuals throughout Germany to take part in Safer Internet Day with their own contributions and projects - together for a better and safer internet to protect children and young people. For the first time, events and activities can be organised throughout the month of February under the Safer Internet Day campaign.
Organisers can register their events and campaigns at www.klicksafe.de/sid. All registered events are then visible and advertised on the nationwide and interactive event map. Those who do not organise events themselves but would like to take part in events will also find what they are looking for on the map. Over 250 campaign participants have already registered their events. Many of them can be attended online.
Posters, stickers, a profile picture generator and sharepics are available for download to raise awareness of Safer Internet Day and the ‘No likes for lies!’ campaign. If you are looking for information or would like to join in the discussion, you will find many interesting posts and discussions on social networks under the hashtags #SID2025, #SID25, #KeineLikesfürLügen.
What we are doing to create a better internet...
On 11 February 2025 from 10.00 to 11.30 a.m., klicksafe invites all schools nationwide with pupils in grades 8 to 10 to a digital school lesson. Pupils will learn about the online strategies of right-wing extremist actors and experience the impact of disinformation on individuals and society in an activating and practical way. Experts in media education and youth media protection from klicksafe and jugendschutz.net provide young people with up-to-date knowledge and important background information. Current case studies encourage the pupils to reflect. Interactive live polls and the opportunity to ask questions in advance or via moderated chat ensure that participants are actively involved in the event. In addition, all participants are challenged themselves in two group work phases and develop digital moral courage to deal confidently with anti-democratic information online. This creates a varied learning process that strengthens knowledge and action skills in equal measure. The digital school lesson will be recorded at Media:TURM Ludwigshafen but schools all over Germany are able to register and take part.
Additionally, klicksafe will be at the Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium in Berlin on 11 February for a special press event with activities, workshops and a panel discussion on the topic of ‘No likes for lies!’. Lisa Paus, Member of the German Bundestag and Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; Theresa Lehmann, political advisor at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation; pupils from Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium; Deborah Woldemichael, head of the EU initiative klicksafe at the Rhineland-Palatinate Media Authority; Martin Drechsler, Managing Director of the FSM and Gizem Çelik, content creator, speaker and funk presenter. The event will be moderated by Polo Türk, Fritz-Radio/ebb and a member of the board of Neue Deutsche Medienmacher*innen.
klicksafe also offers extensive new materials for educational professionals, young people, parents and families on the main topic of Safer Internet Day. The teaching material ‘Rechts.Extrem.Online.’ is now available for download, which offers well-founded factual information and pedagogically prepared teaching units. An informative action-bound message for young people entitled ‘#cleanyournetwork’ will be available for educational practice in and outside of school. The educational programme is accompanied by a brochure for parents and families with lots of practical tips and valuable information on dealing with right-wing extremism online. In addition, klicksafe will provide information cards and expert talks on the topic in the coming weeks.
About us
As part of the Insafe network, the German Awareness Centre klicksafe has been coordinating Safer Internet Day in Germany since 2004. Hundreds of activities and events are registered and then published on the website www.klicksafe.de/sid and thus gain visibility and public awareness. In addition, klicksafe offers various print and digital media free of charge to support and advertise the activities.