In the spotlight

Youth leading the way to Safer Internet Forum: BIK Youth, International Panel, and SIF YAG in action

Youth leading the way to Safer Internet Forum: BIK Youth, International Panel, and SIF YAG in action

Giving young people a voice

BIK Youth Ambassador Joana at the European Youth Week kick-off event

Youth panel unravels the mysteries of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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Meet BIK Youth
The BIK Youth Programme provides diverse opportunities for engagement and participation. Young people contribute to several groups within the programme.

BIK Youth Panel
The BIK Youth Panel is a group of young people interested in online safety and internet governance topics. The panel is organised on an annual basis in preparation for the annual Safer Internet Forum (SIF).

The SIF Youth Advisory Group is a group of young people in the driving seat of the annual Safer Internet Forum. It consists of 10 BIK Youth Ambassadors that have shown active participation at national and European level.

BIK Youth Ambassadors
BIK Youth Ambassadors are those young people who have successfully participated in the annual BIK Youth Panel and SIF and are willing to stay in touch to further participate in activities under the BIK umbrella.

Youth working with industry
Some young people are consulted by industry to provide their views on particular topics to help co-design resources and materials.
Young people’s voice

Youth participation is very important. My advice to young people would be to use the mechanisms that are available, such as youth groups to voice their opinions and concerns. From my experience, it really makes a big impact and positive changes!

It is essential to educate especially children in schools and let youngsters and young adults who are knowledgeable about the dangers of the internet share some experience and information about an appropriate and pleasant way of dealing with others.

Policymakers need to listen to what young people have to say! Young people should be allowed to meet and share ideas with policymakers and be included in meetings to give their ideas on future policies.

I think the main action that needs to be taken to make my digital world safer is mandatory education for not only youth at school, but also everyone else that is online. Everyone needs to be aware about consequences of their actions!