Showing 1 - 10 out of 207 results
Parents, why can your daughters change the internet?
Pedagogical Material for L1V14 Online Escape Room
L1V14 is an online escape room that aims to promote media literacy among primary school pupils. The game consists of a browser-based escape room, an instruction manual and pedagogical material to support the handling of tasks, including information and task sections. The game is played in small groups in a browser.
Czech media education fair 2024
MediaSmartOnline: spotlighting media literacy initiatives across Europe
MediaSmartOnline: Let's hear it from the youth! | Rayan
MediaSmartOnline: Let's hear it from the youth! | Ingeborg
About MediaSmartOnline
MediaSmartOnline: Mapping the current EU landscape of media literacy initiatives
Back to school and online safety
Policy Decree on Media Education, Updating, Information for Schools
This Policy Decree adapts the basic decree on media education further to develop digitisation and digital skills in the curriculum.
(Source: Policy Decree).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung.