Showing 1 - 10 out of 21 results
Navigating your child's contact with strangers online
Trainings on hate speech and online human rights
Mãe, posso usar o teu telemóvel?
The awareness-raising resource "Mãe, posso usar o teu telemóvel?" (Mom, can I use your phone?) aims at helping parents and educators of children between the ages of 3 and 6 deal with the challenges of the digital world. This book offers clear guidelines for the healthy management of screen exposure, suggesting creative alternatives to promote children's balanced development.
Child Focus launches ‘CyberSquad’ workshop for teachers
Young people in Finland voice the need for media education
“Can beauty ideals online harm my child?”
The issue of beauty ideals online and their impact on children and young people is complex. Research shows that exposure to beauty and body ideals on social media can lead to a poorer body image—to varying degrees. Research also shows that children (age 10-18) that spend a lot of time on social media tend to be more unhappy with their bodies and suffer from eating disorders to a greater extent than others in their age. In this short parental guide you can read more about the risks and get seven tips on how to talk to your child and give support.
Poster for parents: “Put Down the Screen - Hug”
The poster is intended for parents of preschool children. It highlights the issue of calming children with the use of screen devices instead of human contact and hugs. The poster was created in collaboration with the Slovenian Section for Primary Pediatrics of the Pediatric Association. It was developed for the purposes of the campaign for parents of preschool children in November 2024.
SIC Sweden’s national summit “A Better Internet for Kids”
The program of the summit features new knowledge on children’s lives online and information on the support that the organisations behind the Safer Internet Centre Sweden offer. The program includes The Swedish Agency for the Media’s presentation of three new reports where children and young people’s media use and health, relation to influencers and girls with neuropsyciatric disabilities and online behaviour are examined. There is also a presentation of the Digital Services Act, DSA, from a senior expert of the European Commission.
“In between community and vulnerability”
In this report the connection between self-assessed mental health and media use among girls (aged 13-18 years) with neuropsychiatric disabilities is described and analysed. The report is based on data from the series Kids and Media that is Sweden’s largest survey on children and media use carried out every second year. Some of the results are that girls with neuropsychiatric disabilities aged 13–18 use social media and digital devices for a longer time per day on average compared to other young people of the same age.
“Is my child affected by influencers online?”
The guide contains answers to the questions “Who is considered an influencer?”, “Do I need to know what influencers my child follows?”, “Can influencers affect my child in a positive manner?” and gives three tips on how to support your child and have a better dialogue around these issues.