Showing 1 - 10 out of 11 results
How to mitigate the negative impacts of social media on children?
Teaching kids about consent with a fun and educational video series
Insafe booth at IGF 2024: Promoting a Better Internet for Kids and SID
SID 2025 in France: Digital citizenship in the age of AI
Children's book: 'Guardians of the internet'
Advent calendar to enhance children's digital competence
The Insafe resource competition
Media education tools in five languages - critical thinking among children
How the 'manosphere' affects teenagers
#BeInCtrl – A Short Film on Online Grooming.
Created to compliment the Be in Ctrl teaching resource, this video depicts the stories of two teenagers subjected to online sexual coercion and extortion. This video has been shared online over 10,000 times and has views of over 1 million since its launch in September 2018. The purpose of this video is to inform young people that this behaviour is a crime, raise awareness of how to protect themselves online, where to find help and support and to give them Ctrl!