Showing 1 - 10 out of 99 results
What are media?
This study includes interviews with just over 80 children and young people aged 9–16. The purpose of the study was to strengthen the reliability and validity of “Children & Media” (our study conducted every other year on children's media use during their free time). The study is also part of our work to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child within the Agency's area of operation.
The interview guide covers four overarching themes regarding news, social media, influencers, and computer gaming.
Your Rights Online
The educational material "Your Rights Online" deals with children's rights on the internet and is aimed at school librarians and school counselors, as well as children and young people (age 10-16). The material can be linked to the Swedish curriculum and therefore also be used by, or together with teachers. The material contains: the Convention on the Rights of the Child, GDPR, algorithms, and information on where to find help and support.
ADWeeks2024 campaign promoted internet safety in Lithuania
Master Plan for Digitalisation
The Master Plan for Digitalisation aims at implementing digital transformation in the Austrian educational system. It sets three fundamental action areas related to teaching, training and school infrastructure.
(Source: Masterplan Digitalisierung).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung.
Policy Decree on Media Education, Updating, Information for Schools
This Policy Decree adapts the basic decree on media education further to develop digitisation and digital skills in the curriculum.
(Source: Policy Decree).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung.
Austrian Cybersecurity Strategy 2021 (ÖSCS 2021)
The Austrian Cybersecurity Strategy 2021 is a strategic framework to ensure cybersecurity in the digital environment and guarantee digital resilience. It has activities targeting digital skills, education and digitalization.
(Source: BIK Policy Monitor 2024).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Chancellery Republic of Austria / Bundeskanzleramt Österreich.
Digital Everywhere
Digital Überall (Digital Everywhere) is a project that takes place within the scope of the Digital Skills Initiative for Austria (DKO). The initiative includes free workshops nationwide to improve people's basic digital skills, especially those who do not attend learning venues. During the second semester, the initiative will launch the Digital Überall PLUS (Digital Everywhere PLUS), offering tailor-made workshops for further knowledge.
(Source: National Contact).
Digital Skills Office
The Digital Skills Office was created to fulfil the Digital Skills Initiative for Austria’s goal of “making everyone digitally fit” by providing educational workshops for the population. The Office has the objective of ensuring that digitisation and digital citizenship are expanding.
(Source: Website).
Entities responsible for implementation: Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation / Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung.
eEducation Austria
The eEducation Austria initiative is a school-based programme to develop students’ digital skills and ICT competencies. It has a network of schools interested in advancing the digitisation process and expanding media literacy education.
(Source: Website).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung.
Federal Youth Funding (2023-2024)
The Federal Youth Funding allocates funding for three key priority areas: competencies and qualifications, intergenerational dialogue, and well-being and quality of life.
(Source: Website).
Entities responsible for implementation: Federal Chancellery Republic of Austria, Department of Youth Policy / Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Abteilung Jugendpolitik.