Showing 1 - 10 out of 11 results
“Can beauty ideals online harm my child?”
The issue of beauty ideals online and their impact on children and young people is complex. Research shows that exposure to beauty and body ideals on social media can lead to a poorer body image—to varying degrees. Research also shows that children (age 10-18) that spend a lot of time on social media tend to be more unhappy with their bodies and suffer from eating disorders to a greater extent than others in their age. In this short parental guide you can read more about the risks and get seven tips on how to talk to your child and give support.
”Check the Game”
“Check the Game” (Swe: Kolla is a guide to games that are popular among children and youth. The website describes how the games function and if there are risks within the games that adults need to be aware of. The guide is aimed for parents and other adults that work with children and gaming.
SIC Sweden’s national summit “A Better Internet for Kids”
The program of the summit features new knowledge on children’s lives online and information on the support that the organisations behind the Safer Internet Centre Sweden offer. The program includes The Swedish Agency for the Media’s presentation of three new reports where children and young people’s media use and health, relation to influencers and girls with neuropsyciatric disabilities and online behaviour are examined. There is also a presentation of the Digital Services Act, DSA, from a senior expert of the European Commission.
Rapport: ”Men världen är inte perfekt så folk måste ta eget ansvar, tyvärr.”
I Ecpats rapport om pojkars perspektiv på jämställdhet framkommer oroande attityder när det gäller jämställdhet och makt i samhället. Många pojkar anser att flickor bär ansvaret för sin sexuella utsatthet och de tycker att jämställdhetsarbetet har gått för långt. Dessa åsikter förekommer även bland yngre pojkar.
English summary:
A path to responsible digital education in France
Children's book: 'Guardians of the internet'
What are media?
This study includes interviews with just over 80 children and young people aged 9–16. The purpose of the study was to strengthen the reliability and validity of “Children & Media” (our study conducted every other year on children's media use during their free time). The study is also part of our work to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child within the Agency's area of operation.
The interview guide covers four overarching themes regarding news, social media, influencers, and computer gaming.
Your Rights Online
The educational material "Your Rights Online" deals with children's rights on the internet and is aimed at school librarians and school counselors, as well as children and young people (age 10-16). The material can be linked to the Swedish curriculum and therefore also be used by, or together with teachers. The material contains: the Convention on the Rights of the Child, GDPR, algorithms, and information on where to find help and support.
Assessment of the effects of children's and young people's digital access to pornography on their health and well-being
This report published by Embætti landlæknis (Directorate of Health) explores the effects of pornography access and consumption by children and young people in Iceland. The impact on their health and well-being is assessed to provide recommendations to teachers, educators, parents, and children related to measures to protect youth from sexual and gender-based violence. The research demonstrates that access to pornographic material is facilitated in the digital environment, finding that large platforms with pornographic material have high levels of access.